Answering my own question, my only preference is that my former body's organs are donated, if possible. I don't have any special requests, mostly because I don't want to burden my family - I believe they should do whatever is cheaper or more practical with my remains. If the cremation is the...
To be honest, I'm not very active politically, except maybe in the animal rights movement. I'm not actively against pro-choice, either. In fact, I don't condemn people that choose to have abortions, even though I'm very much against it.
The Ultimate Truth, to me, is the unity that joins everything together. It is the deep, intimate understanding that everything that exists is part of the same Whole. To "know" the Truth, one must experience it firsthand. It cannot be taught, or even reached through intellect alone.
What do you want done to your body after you die? Why?
(if you're unimaginative, here are some ideas:
Any special requests for your funeral?
The trouble, I think, is that too many atheists are disgruntled ex-religious people. They're still trying to solve the non-existent problem "is there a God?"
I had a Close Encounter with a drone once. :laughing:
Seriously, it took me a while to realize what I was seeing was a drone. And yes, I was completely sober.
I'm sorry you're feeling torn like that. I think it may help if you stop trying to label yourself. Other people may sound like they have all figured out, but the truth is no one fits in a neat little box. The ones that think they do are probably not wholly sincere with themselves.
You sound...
Aren't you putting a bit too much stock in the influence of anti-abortion people? I don't wholly disagree with you, see, but I think it may be a bit unfair to imply that the only thing preventing those measures from happening is the lack of support from anti-abortion people.
1) I wouldn't know. If there is indeed some sort of correlation, I'm not sure the rates would be much higher than mixed schools.
2) No, I definitely don't think so. People don't become homosexuals simply because the opposite gender is not available.
Well, just for the record, I believe...
My take is that any great figures that walk(ed) the Earth were once plain human beings like you and me. They're just more learned than us. Let's say we're in kindergarten and they are school (or, in some cases, faculty) staff.
Honestly? Despite the name, I consider Pantheism to be pretty much atheistic... at least for all practical purposes. The Tao is not even close to a "god", IMO. Even to consider it a "Higher Power" would be stretching it, I think.
Buddhism and Taoism are two that readily come to mind. Apparently, some Hinduist traditions can be considered to be atheistic, too. I'm sure there are other examples...
I believe the key to happiness is compassion - toward others and yourself.
I believe everything that exists is part of a single Unity, and that all beings should be respected and cherished.
I believe in karma, and that we create our own reality.
People don't think for themselves? :nomouth: Right-wing vs left-wing? It goes both ways, I guess. It's not very common to find a liberal who's anti-abortion, either.