Gday metis and all,
But yet you totally failed to address any of the facts I brought up - here or elsewhere.
Instead, you gave us the usual spam - abuses and excuses and propaganda.
having failed dismally to refute my facts, you are reduced to personally abusive one-liners.
Gday First Baseman and all :)
Do you think that's an effective approach to discussion and debate ?
To personally abuse those who disagree with you as liars ?
Do you think you can win a debate that way ?
Anyone who researches the facts will find that modern NT scholars agree :
None of the NT...
Gday First Baseman and all :)
Yes, that is the faithful belief of faithful believers.
But the firm consensus of modern NT scholars is that not one of the NT books was written by anyone who ever met a historical Jesus. In fact none of the authors of the NT books are known at all. The Gospels...
Gday all,
Readers might be interested in what the Gnostic Gospel of Philip said about M.M. :
And the companion of the [...] Mary Magdalene. [...] loved her more than all the disciples, and used to kiss her often on her [...]. The rest of the disciples [...]. They said to him "Why do you love...
السلام عليكم
Ah, thanks :)
I think this particular incident captures the problem quite well :
Many Israelis and Jews believe that Jewish lives are worth more than Palestinian (and even non-Jewish) lives.
"A thousand Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail "
they say.
Gday all :)
I look forward to seeing the views and votes of my colleagues and interlocuters including :
@Jayhawker Soule
Gday all,
Shocking and incredible, isn't it ?
An Israeli murdering a wounded helpless Palestinian man is a 'mercy killing'.
But if a Palestinian even THREATENS an Israeli - they are a 'terrorist' who must be shot dead immediately.
Here is an example of a squad of brave soldiers, armed only...
Gday all,
Yes we do.
Just another example of murders of Palestinians covered up by Israelis.
' Witnesses told the Ma’an News Agency that “the two were apparently unable to understand Israeli officers yelling in Hebrew, and stopped walking.”
“Witnesses said it appeared that Ibrahim attempted...
Gday jeager106 and all :)
You think a medic executing a wounded helpless man is a mercy killing ?
What if it had been a Palestinian medic executing a wounded helpless Israeli ?
Would that be a mercy killing to you ?
Freedom is Slavery !
Invasion is Self-Defence !
Murder is Mercy ...
Gday whirlingmerc and all,
Actually, not one single book of the NT was written by anyone who ever met the alleged Jesus.
That's the firm consensus of NT scholars.
Faithful believers haven't heard the news yet.
Gday whirlingmerc and all,
Note the difference between canon and cannon - Boom !
Also note Marcion was not pronounced 'martian' but 'Markyon'.
The first NT canon was indeed Marcion's.
There is no evidence of anything like an NT canon before then.
Gday all :)
that is all just creationist nonsense.
Like most creationists you are still stuck on the most basic error - the TWO meanings of the word theory.
Gday all,
A shocking crime, I hear they caught the culprits quickly, I'm sure they will be charged and no doubt found guilty.
But even with the attackers in custody, I see Netanyahu said -
" We will attack the attackers" and "take decisive action" and
“ We discussed a series of offensive and...
Gday Gharib and all :)
I fear those fair and reasonable words will get the usual silent treatment.
Apparently Hamas is to blame for everything -
No doubt they will be blamed for whatever reprisals and collective punishment follows the Tel Aviv murders.
Let's hope it's not like Gaza in 2014...