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Search results

  1. Domi333

    Rights of Hindus and Polytheists in Islam

    Considering Muhammad’s actions of destroying and supporting the destruction of idols, what rights would polytheists or Hindus have in Islam? Demolition of Dhul Khalasa - Wikipedia
  2. Domi333

    Has personal ijtihad become commonplace anywhere in the Islamic World?

    I am reading a book which discusses modernism in the Islamic world and its use of ijtihad.
  3. Domi333

    Landwights in Kemetism

    Do Kemetics honour the landwights?
  4. Domi333

    How do people honour God/s/esses,(spirits...)etc. in your belief? (Altars specifically)

    As someone with a Catholic background I learnt to honour the saints through prayers and statues and candles. Even now with my altar I usually have a statue with a candle and I might use alcohol but only a few times.
  5. Domi333

    What do Druids Believe?

    I had the idea of Celtic Recon at first but I've realised it is a lot more open than that. Any druids here care to talk about their path?
  6. Domi333

    Warrior Culture and Viking Religion

    Did the Vikings really have a strong warrior cult meaning that people who die in battle go to Valhalla? Or has it been exaggerated?
  7. Domi333

    Religions Similar to African Diasporic Traditons?

    I have heard that the Feri Tradition is similar but I think hat might be because they incorporate a lot from other religions.
  8. Domi333

    Elves and genius loci for a Brazilian path

    Hello all. I believe in Olorun and the orishas but Am interested in the next category of spirits. In Umbanda the orishas can watch over lower-level spirits. They link together. I am looking at Northern Tradition spirits now.
  9. Domi333


    Hey, I'm Dom, I like spiritualism (not the British 1 specifically but in Brazil and Cuba mainly) and I like to read about the esoteric and gnostic Christ. I've been involved in Hinduism and explored Taoism (Chinese spirituality too).
  10. Domi333

    Children of Seth

    Hey all, newbie here. Would you consider the Greeks (i.e neoplatonists) to be members of the children of Seth? I'm wondering who else might be? Dom