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Search results

  1. VioletVortex


    Sorry if this thread seems too negative or somethint, I'm kind of venting... So I just turned 18 and I feel pathetic. All my life I have literally never accomplished anything. I've never played a sport, I've never had a girlfriend, I've never worked a job, I never leave the house. I don't even...
  2. VioletVortex

    Satanic musicians

    As a fan of metal, I find that a lot of musicians, especially in black metal and occasionally, death metal claim to be Satanists. I used to take these people seriously, but now I see these individuals as pretentious, using their espoused religion to give themselves a gimmick or selling point...
  3. VioletVortex

    Dark Energy

    I know very little about spatial mechanics and whatnot, however I just noticed an interesting coincidence. It is theorized that dark energy, which is the proposed opposite of gravity, is what forces the universe to expand. Of course, this is only valid if you agree with the big bang theory...
  4. VioletVortex

    Ripped/jacked/shredded musicians

    Frost, the drummer of the Satyricon and 1349. Glen Danzig from the Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig.
  5. VioletVortex

    Unthroned-Destructor in Man

    I recorded this a few days ago. The drums are a generic blastbeat track, everything else is played by me.
  6. VioletVortex

    Extinguishing the Fires of Heaven

    "The cold is spreading, winter is near Cold frost, a white shroud over the trees appears The moon stares longer to witness the earth As the embers grow cold in god's noxious hearth The clouds have grown heavy, they loom over the ground The wind is more than a whisper, argued with no other sound...
  7. VioletVortex


    My flesh is by darkness weakened as I stare into the nexus My soul is assaulted in the hells of hope and imminence Battlescars, a message scribed in pain, failed assaults As the final one takes me The winds blow, a ghastly slow The once loud coffin boards settle as realization dies My lungs...
  8. VioletVortex

    Living Artillery

    Screams of pain haunt the wintry night Martyrs march forward, they hesitate in fright Slain corpses cover the frostbitten ground Out in the distance the guns of death pound The moon gazes upon in observance While the weak lay in chains of subservience Only the true warriors dream of escape Now...
  9. VioletVortex


    My carnal flesh tomb collapsed As my knees slammed into the earth The ground slowly approached my eyes As their shrouds fell shut I drifted out of my body into eternal sleep My mind began to fall and yet I was well aware I could see the endless black horizons And feel the vacancy creep Up into...
  10. VioletVortex

    The Octagon

    The ghost of the octagon has possessed my flesh For much too long, so that the young are old and dying And the dead are bone if that And their illusions hold me at the point of a knife Oh, the wretched octagon has been carved into the soil In the name of blood for too long But the roots of the...
  11. VioletVortex

    Rome vs Greece

    Which was the superior civilization? I think that ancient Greece was superior to the Roman Empire for one central reason. Rome was an empire. It was a local government with hold on land that belonged to other peoples. At its height, it had consumed almost all of Germanic Europe, a large portion...
  12. VioletVortex

    Eternal Punishment

    Is eternal torment ever deserved? I was wondering, as I feel as though no one would really deserve spending eternity in Hell. I am a hateful person, do not get me wrong, but eternity is essentially pure pain. I can't support that.
  13. VioletVortex


    I changed the name of my black metal project from Nachtsturm, that one sounded cliche and stupid. This is probably the most serious song I've written. Guitars, bass, drum backing track/drum machine, and vocals. The lyrics are in another thread in the poetry section, I may post a link later.
  14. VioletVortex

    Why Western nations should not donate to the third world

    Alright, a little history lesson here. Decades ago, Christian missionaries began providing those in poor countries with food, clothing, and medical supplies as a vehicle through which to promote their religion. They were essentially trying to coerce them into converting to Christianity. In this...
  15. VioletVortex

    Thrash metal

    Discuss thrash metal.
  16. VioletVortex

    Is traditionalism flawed?

    Up until now, I considered myself a "traditionalist" politically, among other things. Hypocritically so, of course. My actions are always anti-traditional beyond belief, in a very LHP way. I have never held any sentiments against gay people, transgender people, and so on, I always said I was for...
  17. VioletVortex

    Another untitled poem

    Enter the crypts, you find yourself lost Your eyes drown instantly in the fog Holes in your skull, now pouring forth their blood Through the third eye, endless mayhem shall flood Pain and darkness, incantation To the Demons that make a home of Hell Sinking down, death's relaxation Embrace it...
  18. VioletVortex

    Untitled poem

    The daylight has faded Suns have sank below the ground Blackened is this night No stars, no light to be found I close my eyes and let wind out Enter sleep, hear angels weep Into the abyss I creep My last night of mortality I'm waking up in my mind My new power now unfolds I am god but not...
  19. VioletVortex

    Theists: Were you once an atheist?

    As a spinnoff of the thread created by @syncretic, I decided to create this one. For those who are currently theists, were you previously an atheist? If so, how did you make your journey from atheism to theism. I was an atheist, pretty much from birth. My mom had tried to teach me some...
  20. VioletVortex

    Ask a Pagan

    Ask me anything about Norse Paganism, other forms of Paganism, European history, what led me to Paganism, and my personal beliefs.