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Search results

  1. SearchingForGod

    Social Work School

    I'm about to start social work classes this Fall and I'm excited yet scared out of my wits at the same time. I'm excited because this will be the beginning of my journey to who I want to be. But, at the same time, I'm petrified because I'm not guaranteed a spot in the social work program. I...
  2. SearchingForGod

    Sometimes I Wish...

    Sometimes I wish I could just declare myself as agnostic and just leave my beliefs at that. For years now I've been chasing religion after religion trying to find some comfort, but each time I try that I always hit a dead end either due to my own morality or my sense of reasoning. "Maybe if I...
  3. SearchingForGod

    Is Cherry-picking Okay?

    I wonder why the term is called "cherry-picking" at all, to begin with... hmm... Anyways, I have a question to ask regarding religious systems and what to follow or not follow. I was raised Muslim from the time I was born until I was old enough to leave the house and live with other relatives...
  4. SearchingForGod

    What Happens When We Die?

    I just got to thinking, what exactly happens to us after we die? I don't mean our bodies. What I mean is, what happens to our "soul" after we die? Do you think it goes to Heaven or Hell? Do you think it gets reincarnated until we achieve Nirvana? Or do you think nothing happens? Or something...
  5. SearchingForGod

    Back to Being a Seeker

    Hello everyone. I'm back and I'm feeling as down as ever. Last time I posted I was convinced that I wanted to be Jewish. That lasted for a good month or so... then I realized that something was still not being fulfilled in my spiritual journey and so I had to say "Thank you, but I'm going to...
  6. SearchingForGod

    An Update on my religious search

    It's been what feels like a very long time since I last tried associating with any religion. The last time I tried, something in my head freaked out and I was changing religious opinions every week if not every day. It was a tiresome time to be in and yet here I am a few months later, more...
  7. SearchingForGod

    Re-evaluating my beliefs (comments welcome)

    Well this is an awkward time in my life to be in. Basically, what has happened with me is that recently I stumbled across a certain part of YouTube. I found some conservative and anti-feminist YouTubers who I strongly disagreed with, but strangely enough I got consumed by my distaste and decided...
  8. SearchingForGod

    Is Abortion Ethical?

    I'm having an extremely hard time with this question. Recently, I've been re-evaluating my stances on a lot of things and abortion is the one topic that has been stumping me. On one hand, you have the rights of the woman to consider. And what if it was from incest or rape that she got pregnant...
  9. SearchingForGod

    Comparative Religion Class

    Hello everyone! It's been a spell since I was here last, hasn't it? How's everyone been? Currently, I've been devoting much of my time to school and working towards my degree in Social Work. It's coming along, to say the least, but while I'm still waiting to get into the Social Work program...
  10. SearchingForGod

    When you're not on RF...

    When you're not on RF, what are you usually doing? Anything fun? Do you inhabit any other forums?
  11. SearchingForGod

    What is in the Apocrypha?

    I know that Catholics have the Apocrypha in their bibles and I'm just curious as to what is in that section of the bible. The bible that I have (The Message version) doesn't have that in it. Looking at a dictionary definition of Apocrypha, it says that they are "writings or reports not...
  12. SearchingForGod

    A Question for Christians

    I'm curious to know if you think there is a right way to worship the Lord. That is to say, do you think there is a particular sect of Christianity that is the only right way to follow? Why or why not?
  13. SearchingForGod

    Where is God when awful things happen?

    There's so much evil garbage that happens every day all over the world and my biggest question is where God is when any of this stuff happens. Does God just not care? If the Abrahamic view of God is true, then he has the ability to make it all stop and to, essentially, remove evil from all of...
  14. SearchingForGod

    Can you be a Catholic and...

    Do you think it would be possible to be a Catholic while having more liberal leanings such as towards abortion and homosexuality?
  15. SearchingForGod

    I visited an Episcopal church

    So, I attended an Episcopal service today and it was okay. It was a lot like other Christian services I've attended elsewhere, except this time they handed out the Eucharist and I got to see what it tasted like. It tasted a little funny, but was still pretty good, I think. Anyways, I think it...
  16. SearchingForGod

    How to start becoming a Christian?

    Well, I think it's time to give Christianity an honest shot. I'm going to see if Christianity can make me develop into an even better person. I just have one small problem: I have no idea where to begin with this. I'm looking for Introduction to Christianity classes and that's going well, but...
  17. SearchingForGod

    Which denominations are closest to Catholicism?

    The structure of Catholicism is very appealing to me, if I am to be honest. However, there are certain contemporary issues that I do not agree with The Church on and that is why, if I were to turn to Jesus, I would have to be a Protestant. But my question is, which sects would be closest to...
  18. SearchingForGod

    Any non Catholics pray the Rosary?

    Do any non Catholic Christians here pray the rosary or just use rosary beads for general prayers? If so, why? And if you're not using them to pray to Mary, as is done in the rosary, then how are you using them? Just curious because I just bought some rose scented rosary beads the other day and I...
  19. SearchingForGod

    Non Catholics and patron saints

    Today as I was in the car with my grandmother, I asked her what Joan of Arc was the patron saint of, and in my quick google search, I found that her feast day falls right on my birthday and my grandmother told me that was a sign that she was my patron saint. This actually had me feeling very...
  20. SearchingForGod

    How does a Qur'anist pray?

    As salamu alaykum, I have a big question for people who are Qur'anists. How exactly is it that you are supposed to pray, according to the Qur'an only and not hadiths? Is it just like making du'a or is it different in some way?