Prostate Cancer Awareness Week (pcaw.org) has compiled information on the issue of.masturbation to prevent prostate enlargement.
Frequent Ejaculation Won't Prevent Prostate Enlargement
Frequent Ejaculation Won't Prevent Prostate Enlargement (3/14/03)
"Use it or lose it"...
The saints teach that the grace of purity is only given to the humble! "Knowing" what is right-living, and actually living right, are two very different things. Conquering temptation against purity is the...
Well....our sex organs are a part of a whole. That whole is our body. That body is a part of the human "PERSON" and not just object. That person consists of physical and spiritual aspects. It has dignity and it has freewill. It is a thinking being and is higher than animals. It has the tendency...
:( Masturbation, for me is a waste of time. :wink: That fun is a 1 minute thing. You could have used that 1 minute to do greater things such as charity or service to other people ,right :?: Why waste your time :?: Our sex organs are not just "sex objects". Our bodies are not "sex objects"...
:wink: For me masturbation is definitely wrong. Our sexual organs were made in order to have sexual intercourse with the opposite sex for the purpose of reproduction, family and love. That is actually the main reason why it is there. Masturbating defeats the purpose of our sexual organs, making...