Not from chimpanzees, from a chimpanzee-like creature, which was the ancestor of us and chimpanzees. Going further back leads to something that looked rather like a modern-day shrew.
You really don't listen, do you? Once more, you cannot greatly increase the mutation rate of a population and expect it to be any sort of realistic model of evolution in the wild, let alone a "speeded-up" version. It simply doesn't work that way. Species tread a fine line between "too little"...
Such an experiment (breeding animals under a significantly increased mutation rate) is in no way a reasonable model of long-term evolution, and it takes only a simple model to show why.
Let's assume that, out of every 1000 mutations, one conveys an advantage within its environment, twenty are...
Yes, lasers work, and this is great supporting evidence in favour of quantum theory. However, this does not prove quantum theory correct. It's still possible (albeit really, really, really unlikely) that each laser contains a tiny little invisible demon that beams light out of his eyes every...
This "challenge" does nothing but show that the author suffers from a depressingly common misconception about the theory of evolution - namely, that it has a direction, or a goal. It has neither - simply, if a mutation works, it works, and if it doesn't, it doesn't. In other words, there's no...