The God I refer to is the one I am familiar with as drummed into me by The Christian Brothers. I dare to think what they would have made of me describing him as "nothingness"!!:eek:
...the origins of the universe? It seems to me that God only exists because we need an answer to that question and where we came from? Because science as yet cannot definitively answer it does'nt mean it will remain a mystery forever. It may take 100 years, a millenium, a million years but some...
Sorry. Then what is informed opinion? Who is informed enough about scripture to give an informed opinion without having direct access to the divine author of scripture for guidance?
Thank you. Unfortunately I have never heard of these chaps. However, surely their take on religion is purely a matter of their own personal take on it and therefore Dawkins is just as "qualified" to give his?
What if you lived in some obscure, remote part of this planet that had not yet been reached by the God or gods of any organised religion. What would you attribute your personal experience to then? it simply because of the fear of dying and they want the comfort of "eternal life" in heaven after their mortal one ends?
I personally take great comfort from "hoping" that I return to that state of nothingness I experienced...(or did'nt experience!) from the year dot up until the moment...
Sorry for ressurecting this post but it relates directly as to why I just joined this forum.
In Mattew 21;21 it states...that if you believe you will receive whatever you ask in prayer".
So why has there never been one recorded case in the history of medicine where an amputees missing limb...
I recently stumbled upon a website entitled "Why Wont God Heal Amputees?" and for the first time in my life it has led me to question the existence of God or any omnipotent omniscient supreme being for that matter. I would like to discuss some of the more salient points it raises about the power...
Slán people, (Thats Gaelic for Hello in Scotland where I am from.)
I am recently divorced, an ex R.C. and slowly but surely lapsing into agnosticism... with full blown atheism beckoning me from around the next corner I suspect!