I find the spread of lies,falsehoods and fear spread out by religion especially the fear of non conformists a viral bigotry.
Remember religion is humanity telling humanity what to do with fairy stories to back it up and fear to keep us all in line to the leaders way of thinking.
Remembver Scuba you rant on about Bigotry.
Is it not bigotry that Muslims want to make the whole world Muslim?
Is it not bigotry for the Pope to want to stop abortion?.
The so called God did not save the 6,000,000 million jews did he?
You are bigotted to not look at the other view...
Dawkins makes many sensible arguments it is just that religious people do not want to hear them.
He is right when he says there is as much chance that a teapot is spinning round the earth as there is a god.
In fact I like tea and so I think we should start the cup and flying saucer religion...
Why are you all so frightened of Dawkins views?
Is it that he has hit the truth and the truth is hurting ?
Most of his lectures make more if not even common sense against the fairy stories written in the bible and preached by the heads of the religions who wear their wizards clothes and...