I read his post. He seems educated yet his points can be argued from both sides. I guess what I want to say is...I don't wanna burn in hell if I'm wrong. I am looking for someone to steer me to some info that might change my mind. I am a sponge for information. I love to read so can you give me...
I grew up a Pentecostal Christian, I was baptised in front of my church congregassion. I used to speak in tounges and dance in the aisles. It was when I got older and really took a good look at what I was doing and questioned my religion that my doubts grew. And to ask my fellow...
You can laugh at the show if you want to and I'm not saying that everyting they show is true. I will say that when I hold religion in one hand and their explanations in the other...I gotta go with theirs. Too much about the Biblical God doesn't make logical sense. Maybe God's logic, if he's out...
As an ex-Christian, I have spent a lot time studying and thinking about Religion and the more I learn...the more I'm convinced. None of it makes sense!
When I came to the conclussion that there wasn't really a "Super Being" out there that see's everything I do and everything the rest of the...