There is no point in continuing to look for life off the earth.
There is no evidence for it to be a possibility.
What kind of kooky people look for something that isn't there?
The theory of anything, usually includes it's background or origins as a base.
It's like saying the layout of a good photograph has nothing to do with the camera.
It's a true, but irrelevant distinction.
We can deny that you provided any links to support your claim.
Then I can provide some support.
Then I can point out that the support is more an impression of
brain waves on rock than actual evidence.
I'm impressed that you can claim both exclusivity and overlap in the same post.
Ab-gen is considered a sub topic on 100's of websites and there are even books on the two subjects together. While a strict definition may wedge a difference between the two, most people do not. The topics are...