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Search results

  1. Gilad

    What is a true Hasid?

    Chief Rabbi Safran gives this beautiful description of a Hasid in his book "Wisdom of Kabbalah". Safran writes: "... In truth, the supreme goal of the Hasid is Devekut; he yearns to “cleave” to God, to be near to Him, he longs to be with Him...by the study of Torah he seeks to...
  2. Gilad

    For Jesus believers: Is Jesus a servant?

    God is very humble. When we live in his Divine Will we are his servants and he is our servant in a sense beyond the understanding of most.
  3. Gilad

    The Ultimate Challenge To Creationists

    The study I originally read has moved. I think I have found where it moved. I am sorry apparently I can't give you a link until I have made 15 posts It is on genome.gov called Porcine Sequencing White Paper. - 1 -
  4. Gilad

    The Ultimate Challenge To Creationists

    I don't know about others but I am for one tired of fanatical evoluionists and creationists. I find the patronising sneering of many supporters of the evolutionary theory tiresome. I should think that the discovery of blood collagen in dinosaur bones, the discovery of unfossilised dinosaur...
  5. Gilad

    Rabbis From Around The World Thank Pope John Paul

    With people like John Paul II and the Pave the Way Rabbis there is real hope for further reconciation and healing. So nice to see such positive people when there are so many others that just want to keep the hostility going.
  6. Gilad

    Messianic Judaism

    The whole Messianic movement is quite diverse. You have those that are Torah observant in the manner of the Orthodox Jews who believe in Jesus as the Mashiach but don't hold to the Trinity others that do hold to the Trinity but follow a Jewish style formulation of it. You have those that are...
  7. Gilad

    Was Jesus dark skinned?

    Terms like Semitic and Hamitic have nothing to do with physical features but are language groups.
  8. Gilad

    Question from a child

    The quickest way to God is to unite your heart with the Heart of Mary as her Heart is united to the Divine Heart.
  9. Gilad

    Was Jesus dark skinned?

    Jesus was descended from both Judah and David who were both red heads with ruddy complexions. According to old traditions Jesus was also auburn haired. Red hair is a characteristic of the tribe of Judah. In Eastern Europe red hair was considered to show Jewish ancestry. In many Jewish families...
  10. Gilad

    Judaism Test

    I got 17/18 the tissue one got me too. How far is a Shabbat walk? I thought it was 2 kms but maybe it is 2 miles.
  11. Gilad

    What Kind of Catholic Are You?

    I got 84 apparently I am a traditionalist Catholic. What does that mean? I am certainly not a tridentine Latin Mass only. But I am Marian, charismatic and Eucharisitic and a great fan of JPII and I love the documents of Vatican II. I am a Hebrew Catholic formerly Orthodox Jewish so I guess I am...
  12. Gilad

    A basic Kabbalah article

    Truthseeker I totally disagree with you about giving charity this is a mitzvah commanded in the Torah. Almsgiving is very important in one's relationship with Hashem. People like Mother Teresa do these things for altruistic reasons such as seeing the image of God in each person and loving...
  13. Gilad

    A fantastic Kabbalah site

    Truthseeker I think that alot of what you are saying is correct. Tarot, astrology etc is not the correct path of Kabbalah. True Kabbalah is based on Love and humility these other ways are based on power and ego. Kabbalah is the Way of the Heart (Leb) and the 13 aspects of Chesed. The Kabbalah...
  14. Gilad

    A fantastic Kabbalah site

    Truthseeker I think that alot of what you are saying is correct. Tarot, astrology etc is not the correct path of Kabbalah. True Kabbalah is based on Love and humility these other ways are based on power and ego. Kabbalah is the Way of the Heart (Leb) and the 13 aspects of Chesed. The Kabbalah...