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  1. C

    the right religion

    So you have read the canon bible on line....??? Try contradicting the older KJV!
  2. C

    the right religion

    No! I don't have a gift. Gifts were given so there would be no error in the written word of God. When the perfect will of God was finished there were no need for miracles and gifts. Paul said, these part works would cease! Since man has the will of God, common sense says those gifts have...
  3. C

    the right religion

    Lets examine the evidence a little most of you believe in scientific views or History of men.....We have the true word of God that people can not contradict, yet some of you say there are contradictions. How do you know if you don't study and talk about them?
  4. C

    the right religion

    No understanding: If you don't believe it you won't open and study it.:rolleyes: Yep, it is funny when the Holy Spirit gave gifts to men and the last scripture was finished, people won't believe it is the perfect (complete) will of God, because some look to science for answers and some still...
  5. C

    the right religion

    Let me see you give it a try!!:shout
  6. C

    the right religion

    Genesis 29:30:rolleyes:
  7. C

    the right religion

    You don't know the bible do you? 1Cor. 15.
  8. C

    the right religion

    Can you prove the bible is not the word of God?
  9. C

    the right religion

    I just did! You don't believe it because you don't seek to believe it.:p
  10. C

    the right religion

    The only version of the bible I have read for years is KJV, I stay away from the newer versions, because they seem to contradict! I haven't seen a copy of the others that were before the second KJV, except the Geneva Bible. I have read about the other versions, but the only one I have viewed...
  11. C

    the right religion

    Sounds like Catholic belief! The gospel of Christ was written my chosen men and other helps, but these that you name are not one of them. The bible was first written to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. After Christ died all could be one through taking part in Christ's death, burial, and...
  12. C

    the right religion

    Again I don't know what you a referring to.. Expalin!
  13. C

    the right religion

    2 Timothy 3:16, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." 17. "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
  14. C

    the right religion

    Then how did the creation come around, where did man come from? A monkey! Lets look at God's word a little..... People seem to think that God is myth! God's plan of salvation was from the foundation of the world. This plan is through the written word of God. When the gospel was taught and...
  15. C

    the right religion

    That is the "worlds" view!! Faith comes by hearing the word of God! The only way you can have faith in God! You got a subject, got a bible, lets look inside and see what it has to say! :slap:
  16. C

    the right religion

    My faith comes from the word of God that is proof for me! If you think there is a contradiction in the bible. Throw it out there and we will discuss the scriptures! I can't give you proof that the world is right in its teaching. It just doesn't make sense that one would believe the history...
  17. C

    the right religion

    The word of God, take a look in side!:)
  18. C

    the right religion

    I don't join a religion! What are you saying is a contradiction in the bible? Paul is an apostle born out of due time, meaning he was not one of the chosen twelve to teach to the Remnant of Israel. Lets take one subject at a time. Which of these do you want to talk about first?:)
  19. C

    the right religion

    Christ died for the sins of the whole world! An access is given through the word of God, but not everyone will...Ask, seek, or knock by looking into the word of God. It was first taught to the Jews then to the Gentile people! :rolleyes: Everyone should know from the least to the greatest:shout
  20. C

    the right religion

    Explain! the "gospel according to judas" :sorry1: I don't know what you are referring to.