You making your own conclusions and associating them with the church. I do not think this is fair because your are twisting the church's teachings to make them sound what they are genuinely not, in other words you are redefining the church's philosophy to sound ethical. And the fact is that the...
That's because the church supresses who they are cos they think its 'gross' . I imagine that this would be a wakeup call to anyone who is on the receiving end (no pun intended) of the discrimination. I'm sure it would drive someone to question the beliefs they hold.
I respect the laws in place, and if I feel a law is not fair, then I will argue it
I do not like bossy people and I was a disobedient child like any other
Yes I'm happy to stop and help
I'm happy to help those who help themselves
I'm a softy, if they show sincerity then I will...