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  1. The Voice of Reason

    Are you still enjoying the deer at your house?

    Are you still enjoying the deer at your house?
  2. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    I don't see it as different in any material way, Rick. The fact that the employer is the state is, in my opinion, immaterial. If the costs of providing a retirement, or health care, or any other benefit that they acquire through negotiation is to be passed on to the end user of their services...
  3. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    As do individuals.
  4. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Those union members are also taxpayers. Oh - and as a fellow taxpayer, let me say that they are not at odds with me.
  5. The Voice of Reason

    A union man ...

    A union man, a CEO, and a Tea Party member are sitting in a pastry shop, when the waitress brings over a plate with a dozen chocolate chip cookies on it. The CEO eats one of the cookies and puts ten more in his pocket. He then turns to the Tea Party member and says "You better keep an eye on...
  6. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Genuine - the labels with which you self identify are immaterial. The bottom line is, you may end up being right. Then again, you may end up being so far out in left field that statements like those you are making receive even more ridicule than we are currently heaping on them now. Bush is...
  7. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    A smooth exit, with no intent to address the counterpoints made to your claims. Looking forward to your return.
  8. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Well, those people don't count, Mesty. Everyone on your list is either a liberal, or at the very least, needed to have their rights violated. Genuine is only speaking on behalf of conservatives - you know - the people that really count.
  9. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    LMAO - you have GOT to be kidding. You spent two pages of posts demonizing anyone that had the temerity to badmouth Bush, and here, in two short paragraphs, you reduce your entire position to an admission that it's nothing more than a prediction of what you'd like to see come to pass.
  10. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Two items of note. First, your qualifier is correct - "many of the times" - but not all. Second - there are (undoubtedly) times where the question is never brought to court.
  11. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Now who's being naive? That's the beauty of the Patriot Act. If your liberties have been infringed, you'll almost certainly never know it. But hey, we have your assurances - what more could we possibly need?
  12. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Come on, Proud. We've only had state legislators pass ridiculous bills that prohibit the building of mosques or the implementation of Sharia law. As I'm sure Genuine Realist will tell you - that's just good government.
  13. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    When you leap to conclusions like those above, you are right to expect your post to be met with derision and contempt. You are obviously well read, and you do a good job of expressing yourself. Your breakdown comes when you reach such sweeping conclusions based on insufficient evidence, and...
  14. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Suppose away. Based on your writings, I would say that your choice of screen names was probably sarcastic (at best) or simply misleading.
  15. The Voice of Reason

    What religion is scientifically proven?

    No religion is scientifically proven, although many try to claim the mantle. No religion ever will be scientifically proven, so you might want to learn to find company in the other religions.
  16. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    As well it should be.
  17. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Like any large piece of legislation, there are some good ideas buried in there. The Patriot Act removed some of the artificial barriers that had been put in place to prevent different intelligence agencies from sharing information. Overall, though, it has more potential for abuse, fraud and...
  18. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    The entire "Homeland Security" fiasco was one of the rabbit holes that the federal government poured truckloads of tax dollars into under Lord Bush. So naturally, we now have Tea Partiers wanting to defund the Department of Education to make up for it. I just don't understand how you...
  19. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Oh yes. Because Homeland Security has now made us impervious to any threat of attack. For me, there is nothing more important when I first get up in the morning than to go online and check the Homeland Security website for what color alert we are going to be at that day, and what threats to...
  20. The Voice of Reason

    George W. Bush, war criminal

    Which we obviously couldn't do, as Halliburton and the rest of the military/industrial complex hadn't quite gotten all of the US tax dollars that it knew were going to be spent, as long as the war/occupation continued.