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Search results

  1. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    If you don't step on them, I don't see any harm. I would rather clean your toes than die, to be honest. It's a no-brainer. Plus, they would be living like kings and queens. A couple of crumbs off your plate would be a feast for them. Wouldn't you do some simple favors for Godzilla, if he made a...
  2. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    We can't appreciate an ants uniqueness, because they are ugly, mindless, and pestful. We can relate to the tiny humans, although, now that I think of it, they would probably be just as pestful as ants can be. They would probably have a short life span and be accustomed to sudden death, just like...
  3. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    The one I refer to, as outlined in the bible, has a lot of blood on his hands. I don't blame anyone for anything that happens here, because I don't believe any being is responsible for us. You're original objective was to stomp on their town, and watch them run like all hell, or at least...
  4. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    If God exists, he doesn't actually seem to show a whole lot of mercy.
  5. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    I still think they would be overrun by sugar ants and eaten alive or carried away by them. But then again, if they have survived thus far in constant danger of pests, then they must have some sort of defense system, although all the soda might compromise that. There would only be one way to...
  6. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    Once these tiny people were to be discovered, scientists would want to know everything they can about them. They would dissect them, put them through stress tests, emotional tests, sensory tests, sexual tests, you name it, they'll test it. They would want to know if they are like us in every way...
  7. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    OK, but slapping isn't nice. :no:
  8. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    What do technology and morals have to do with one another? One could certainly say the large computer carries more significance though. That giant computer was a huge deal back then. I would say it was much more significant than the ipod being carried around today by some kid who resents it...
  9. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    If they were ant sized, it wouldn't take long to realize that they are tiny people who think and speak and do everything we do. I can't help but imagine that they would be subjected to all sorts of experiments upon their discovery. I think humans by nature are animalistic. Most of us are...
  10. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    I'm not sure I would see the point in stepping on the ant hill sized equivalent of Tokyo. The people would be microscopic, so no, I guess I wouldn't think of it as a moral issue. It be merely disappointing for a few minutes, because it would be a gorgeous little display of lights and colors...
  11. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    So, basically you're replacing the ant hill with a little planet, and the ants with little aliens? Alright. Personally, I would be staring at it in awe until deciding to get more people to see what I found. I couldn't care less if you stomp on an ant hill, but if you step on this tiny "planet"...
  12. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    So, how many consider you cruel?
  13. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    Honestly, this is a little far fetched. No ant will be missed by anyone or anything.
  14. SheWhoSeesYou

    Do you think stepping on bugs is wrong - why or why not?

    By this logic, you admit that you are a giant jerk. Correct? If you were a giant on another races planet how do you know you would do the same thing? YOU would no longer be YOU. And how do you know aliens would share your lack of empathy, or that an alien would have individual thought and not...