Well what would that license be based on? It would be based on competence and resources
I used to post that I was pro-license in this matter, but I don't know. I'd rather people follow good general rules on their own about this kind of thing.. which I don't really think they do, but whatever...
I am not pro coercion, I just imagine a world where most of the couples agree only to have 1-2 offspring for a time. But I think men and women could make their own birth control choices after that. If it doesn't always work, effort is enough. It would statistically work out, probably anyway
ok I'm not a math person, but if y = 4000, and 4000 is the 'resources,' and x =2, and '2' is each population unit, then there are 2000 units of 2 that can take up those resources evenly.. If you add any more, than everyone has to use less resources. Everyone then would have to 'right' to less
world war 3 is kind of a weird issue to think about, because in a way, it does seem to bring the problem of war as near to the present as it can possibly be: if it happened, it seems like it be rapid enough to affect everyone's present very quickly. It's not to say that in the past, war didn't...
alright I guess that concludes the thread.
Thanks everyone for participating, we're happy to see that this post went viral, apologies that feedback cannot be provided to every response
If the ads you see are mostly are mostly about lowering taxes, or establishing retirement benefits, or even reproductive rights, and housing costs.. then the fact of the matter is, is that all of these issues address proximal 'present discomfort,' and nowhere is the vast extent of the past or...
Yeah.. I'm going to have to start getting good at asking questions , and learning from multiple people, to sieve out the best ways.
There are a bunch of guys in there, that have been there forever that seem like they are about to retire.. I have to try and get information from them, before they...
I am kind of in the dark about how marriage was traditionally organized to retain tribal status, before the industrial revolution. Something tells me that at this point in history, marriage formation is either more random than ever.... or conversely, it is more selective than ever. There might...
Well look, we are species that I think has the ability to try and maximize the epigenetic processes that supposedly might be relevant. If a mother is doing that, then I think maybe it is a kind of a epigenetic process. A chosen one at that, as she doesn't need to do that. We can also chose to...
I was in my twenties.. then I went to forklift.. and now they want to teach to setup presses as a technician. I'm just anxious about it, because there is a lot to learn, and new things that could go wrong if I'm not on the ball. You got to bolt stuff in correctly, or you could get crushed
You know.. over the past 100 years for example, massive changes must have occurred to production capacity and method.. Do humans even need to drive tractors anymore? With high yield crops, how much space is needed? Granted, I think we should probably dedicate more space to farming. I live on...
I don't think race has anything to do with it, you lost me there. Population size is quantitative, obviously.. but I posit that life improves as space / resources increase. This means more freedom, and less social strain. If two or more cultures don't seem to get along, I think I've always...
I haven't researched all of the variables on that, but my sense of it, is that there must be multiple options that can change across the many timeframes, and that these options might differ markedly in kind and variable. Birth control itself has many variables, multiplied in complexity, I would...
I remember when I was a kid, the town was full of woods, streams, free space.. and then they put up fences, and suburbs as I grew up.. roads were widened, noise increased. The place is totally different now, to how it was under 30 years ago
well you know, if the population keeps growing then that means more private property, and therefore less places for me to walk. Is that a correct observation or not?
I'm not entirely sure anymore, after analyzing each of my own interpersonal relationships in life so far , what exactly constitutes normal empathy toward me, and what I should be sending out in that regard. I don't know if our sort of post-cultural society has a standard for how empathy works...
It probably would make money, as funding for anti-social enforcement would be deducted. I wouldn't enforce it, I'd want a population that was convinced it was the right thing to do.