Clutter away if you like. Or if you want start and new thread and explain what you think I am misunderstanding and I'll address it.
Cheers - TeabagSalad
I don't know if I'd call it rough, there were certainly times where it was difficult but at the end of the day it was an experience. One that played a large part in shaping who I am. So, I'll take the rough with the smooth and just try to enjoy as much as I can :)
Thank you. I kinda miss David Frost, he was a very gifted man and I liked his ability to cut through the political crap to the real heart of the matter in an interview.
Can I ask what it is about what I said that makes you think that my concept of God and understanding of scripture is wrong...
Absolutely, well certainly for me. I think it probably took over 10 years and a lot of different events and realisations over that time. In some ways it was possibly the most difficult journey of my life. It certainly caused a lot of self-doubt, depression and difficulties along the way. In...
I joined these forums a couple of weeks back but due to having a couple of really busy weeks I haven't really had a chance to post anything. Fortunately things have calmed down a bit now so I thought that I would post something detailing the main reasons as to why I am an atheist. This is by no...
I've just joined the forums as I'm looking for a new place to discuss religion etc. I've been a regular poster on CARM for a good few years but I have left there because it's become a troll fest and I found I was only going there to laugh at some of the nutcases that post there.