If suffering ended would you help it or hate it? When this happens, I think this event would happen in mankind where we join as one, as something changes. To be a theist at the tree of life, knowing that we are the first of kind, is to be supreme.
Stop it! Science is anti-semitic . It’s wrong to tell a person they can’t have the nature they were born with. If you want to tempt at science over human nature, test it on your own nature first. I like who I am.
There is nothing wrong with suffering. Leave it to omnipotent one to save us. I...
I’m a faithful pagan. You have known my Father by many names, but the lie of the Bible is that tormentors will be found amongst the four living creatures. Is it time to create a new Bible?
War is a living thing, amd it has must have the right to fight for its own existence, as it desires to be who it is. As the faithful pacifist rule the sky’s.
There should be both war and peace. War need temperance, eliminate, suffering, and harm, and prophecy amongst the angels of the out come of war. Then their has to be a perfect believer who can be perfect and win certainly in a fight, against the beast.