I'm a Sikh and as such my perspective would be unique among the various Sikhs asked.
how do you feel about other faiths? I don't have any real hatred towards those of other faiths, but I do acknowledge that they lead people astray and only Sikhi is free from that ability of getting lost. What do...
I saw a message very similar to this on various websites, I personally think he's trolling: http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&source=android-browser&hl=en-US&q=my+name+is+gaven
I would say religions have their own section depending on how the same people receiving the revelation, some make the revelation left-wing, the others right-wing. Ultimately 2 people of the same religion will get the revelation differently than that of others.
He clearly gets something from the agreement, (why would he tell America and Britain not to send people to Syria?)
I'm sure there won't be a Syria to rule after the chaos is done, even if Assad wins at the end.