The Koran has no better claim to the word of God than the others mentioned. Just because you want it to be so, does not make it so. I have no dog in this "my god is better than your god" , third grade childrens argument.
So are the Vedas, the Guru Granth Sahib, the Gospel of Mani, the Gathas, the Torah, the Kitab al-Jilwa, the The Sumerian Temple Hymns, the Book Of The Dead, the Bhagavad Gita, the Agamas, and my favorite the Tao Te Ching. All the words of God.
It might surprise you to know I am not an atheist or an agnostic. I would like someone on this forum to show me God without resorting to words spoken or written by other men. But no one here seems to know God. I would hope to find God by observing the world around me. To find God using my own...
In summary: "Zoroastrian philosophy" is my desire to achieve Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds; to improve myself and the lives of others around me and ultimately to achieve serenity of body & mind.
Touche. Nothing else comes closer to humanism than Zoroaster's "Good Thoughts ,Good Words...
Developed from what? Religion would not exist if it were not "revealed" by a person. That's why they are called "revealed religions". All of a sudden a con man tells a story about a super human being called "god", who told him about this, that and the other thing, and before you know it lots of...