(an aside: seems my draft efforts were posted in error - please ignore - this is the actual rendition I wanted to post.)
Where to begin? In no particular order: If God was responsible for creating the universe, the world and us, he botched the job--soundly. He even went so far as to ensure...
Where to begin? In no particular order: If God was responsible for creating the world and universe, he botched the job. He ensured natural disasters which as the omnipotent one he'd have to know would be coming down the pike. Within the Bible, there are any number of accounts where God proves...
I was raised an Anglican and did all that I could to accept a belief in a supreme being. However, life's experiences and years of observation have long since led me to atheism. Still, when one undergoes indoctrination during their formative years, it's very difficult to get rid of. Thus, I'm...