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Search results

  1. sugnim

    Christmas Dinner

    If you celebrate Christmas, is there a traditional meal that you prepare? If so, how did that meal become your tradition?
  2. sugnim

    Mass seems to miss the point

    Good explanation. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. And unto Paul what is Paul's, I suppose.
  3. sugnim

    Christian Trinity

    I'm not what you'd call a traditional Christian. But, I see the trinity as 3 of many possible ways of conceiving of God. God is a creator, a person, and a spirit. But God is also limitless. The trinity, to me, is not a trio of characters in a book. Nor is it a riddle. It's more like a set...
  4. sugnim

    Mass seems to miss the point

    I went to my first Catholic mass today. I was underwhelmed. There was so much focus on saying prescribed words, and focus on the virgin birth, death, & resurrection of Jesus that I felt it all missed the point. For me, Christianity is about how Jesus taught us to live. Miracles, bowing to...
  5. sugnim

    Can AOC be sued by the Texas detention facilities workers for slander

    No. I would suggest you read the SCOTUS decision. It was unanimous. Even Scalia did not agree with what you're proposing.
  6. sugnim

    Christian Bible context only: God’s laws for sex and marriage

    I don't see anything that conflicts with what you said. But, I think that the way people have interpreted these two stories can sometimes conflict with each other. The only thing I can think of that would conflict with your original post is the story of Onan, as sometimes interpreted. He...
  7. sugnim

    Christian Bible context only: God’s laws for sex and marriage

    How about the juxtaposition of these two: Genesis 2:24 A man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. 1 Samuel 18:1-4 After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself...
  8. sugnim

    Christian Bible context only: God’s laws for sex and marriage

    A literal interpretation might lead you to this. I read the Genesis story as a beautiful, ancient myth incorporating an understanding of life and spirituality. In this light, God created life, and passed along the gift of creation to the very life he created.
  9. sugnim

    Christian Bible context only: God’s laws for sex and marriage

    I've never thought "be fruitful and multiply" had anything to do with marriage. I always thought it was more of a way of granting what was once only God's creative power to other life forms. Before, only God created life. After, life was empowered to create life through a gift from God.
  10. sugnim

    Can AOC be sued by the Texas detention facilities workers for slander

    If this is a real question, the answer is no. See Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, which is a US Supreme Court case explaining that the First Amendment protects the freedom to say offensive things about public officials. Here's a link to the decision: Hustler Magazine, Inc. v...
  11. sugnim

    Are we all complicit?

    As I have watched the news develop along the US-Mexico border, I wonder: Am I complicit in the horrid treatment of the people detained and separated from their families? Jesus said that we should see him in those who are imprisoned; that we should see him in those who are sick; that we should...
  12. sugnim

    What is our take on in regard of Sabbath, Sunday, Uposatha, Observance day?

    I practice a limited sabbath. Essentially, I do not do any work on things that are not in the home on Sundays. For a while, I was working everyday. Even when I was home, I worked. I decided that this was a poor way to live, and so I designated Sunday as a day to be with my family. I spend...
  13. sugnim

    Am I an atheist?

    Am I an atheist? I attend church weekly, and am involved in committees and small groups there. I try to follow the teachings of Jesus, the ones about loving your neighbor and caring for the vulnerable. I don't believe Jesus performed any supernatural miracles or that he raised from the dead...
  14. sugnim

    The Purpose of Prayer

    For me, prayer is a meditation or special thought process that can lead to new insights on what is right and good. Petitionary prayer can only work if you carry it out. For example, you pray for the hungry and then you go feed them. You pray for the sick, and then you go comfort them. Prayer...
  15. sugnim

    Have you ever seen Jesus?

    I would and I do. Recognizing that all people are worthy of love is not always easy. But then, there are many worthwhile things that are not always easy. Fortunately, most places have a justice system that can help families of victims deal with such difficult tasks. It would be too much to...
  16. sugnim

    Have you ever seen Jesus?

    Well, now you're asking 2 different questions, aren't you? Your original was whether violent criminals are worthy of love. But now your question is whether violent criminals are worthy of forgiveness. I'll give a more detailed answer to your first question, since that's where you started...
  17. sugnim

    Do we really need miracles and heaven and all that?

    It seems to me that the stories of Jesus' supposed miracles and rising from the dead are all a big distraction from his teachings. I don't see how walking on water or raising the dead has anything to do with teaching people to love one another. I don't see how any promise of eternal life or...
  18. sugnim

    Have you ever seen Jesus?

    Yes. In the faces of those most shunned: the poor, the homeless, the ill, the prisoner, the social outcast, the criminal...anyone cast aside as a lesser human being deserving of less care. In their faces and stories, I see Jesus.
  19. sugnim

    Reconciling Christmas

    Sure. I know all that. But, it doesn't answer the question of how people reconcile these two things. I've got my pagan tree up, am planning a party, and I dig Dickens as much as anybody, but those are different topics of conversation.