However we won the second world war and now the Jews have majority control over the western world in politics and economics. (don't beileve me? go reserch it and you will then)
Oh my goodness, George bush doesn't know what he's talking about! Surplus embryos that will be destroyed could have been used to potentially advance medical science and help save lives and help improve many...
Oh my goodness, George bush doesn't know what he's talking about! surplus embryos that Will be destroyed could have been used to potentially advance medical science and help save lives and help improve many...
If you had to make a Theoretical religion what would it be? what are the ideals you would include to make it work? And what dose a religion need to run? If I had to make one it would look like this. (Dont take offence to this please)
1. When youre happy and times are good your own actions are...
Can violence be healthy? well I believe so. good exercise, release of inebriations and anger, makes you stronger and more skilled (baby tigers and most young mammals fight to be better at fighting, hunting, agility, strength and generally are healthier)
aggression and determination are signs of...
Ok, well you may feel boys suck, however Girls are far more, well lets just say there not the little angles they portray themselves as hehe
as far as an obsession with body parts goes both males and females are looking for certain things in a partner; things they believe will make good...
Well to be honest although I may describe myself as a pagan from time to time I don't follow any structure, although I do love the carbon cycle; the relationship between plants and animals (and us) and have a great respect for most of the other animals I share the planet with.
as far as...
You say that but the US has the death penalty, if human life is so valuable why end it in such a way? The only resign you would put a person to death is to save money from locking them up for the rest of there life. People kill others all the time, some people kill because of race or beliefs...
The Sanctity of life, monetary value of life, pets and animal relationships?
It seems to me the importance of different life is not as black and white as it first appears and infact modern morality regarding this is highly basted upon emotions. A huge amount of animals, some barley a few...
well like I said, I did achieve that state of enlightenment where I saw the unnerves in multiple layers for the first time, realised that there are different layers in existence, unbelievably heavy layer where time is far far slower where gravity is stronger than the inside of a back hole...
Ok, Im going to try to put the idea into a gross abominatious maths formula.
All existence = omniscience
Known by god
(God within existence + All existence = God) = omniscience...
I believe the universe is some what Newtonian, that is to say a unnerves without randomness; I cannot understand why something atomic sized would move without cause, if an atom or something on that level were to move it would be because forces are affecting it, the way it moves is logical and...
Im sorry, didnt mean to patronise, depression is one of the biggest problems facing the UK and US and is a serious problem
I just hoped by trying to spread a little information it mite help someone
i may be deprested, infact im sure I am worce than I have ever been in my life...
<I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to read, got myself in a mess>
Hey there, I have always been interested in Buddhism even though I know little about it. I have tried meditation a few times with positive effects, and I believed I once reached a state of...
In the UK and USA one of the biggest problems facing the general population is depression. You would think this would affect poor countrys, like Russia and Africa, middle east. However Russia has some of the lowest levels in the world. If your extremely depressed seek help, otherwise there are...
I can understand taking a shower when your in a rush, but is it true that people from the US never take baths? As in laying in hot water maybe listening to music, maybe in the dark with candles, bubbles, scented bath stuffs, ect?
I dont take many myself because Im normally in a rush so take...