This is one of those cases where google is not much of a friend. There are sites that deal with statistical studies of all sorts. The Pew forum has a pretty good religious database. Gallup has done a few good studies. Some universities have departments that specialize in that sort of thing...
It's doubly hard while this coronavirus is keeping people physically apart. Do you find anyone's posts particularly attractive? You could try inviting a small group for a zoom session. As much as I like the purity of expression that lives in a text-based forum, to ease the loneliness of...
I think the effort, for better or worse, would result in the creation of a new tune and arrangement. It would certainly spark some creativity. I know that I sometimes focus on an image to inspire a poem or story, and that sometimes results in a new song as well.
Or used to. I haven't...
Interesting. I was a member for about twenty-five years. It was the last religious organization in which I participated. It is a marvelous religion in many ways, but I came to a point where I realized that I had never in my life actually believed in God. I think I left the Faith pretty much...
I agree that conversation is preferable to debate, but it's quite possible to have both going on at the same time in an online forum. Some would argue that debate is a form of conversation, which is an invitation to debate in itself, no? And some folks are inherently feisty and will argue...
Once a member of the Baha'i Faith, now an atheist... I reached a limit to the amount that I could take on faith, then realized that I really couldn't take anything at all on faith. The Baha'i Faith makes a lot of sense given the premise that God exists at all, that there is a spiritual...