What largely separates Christianity from other religious faiths is Jesus Christ. While Christ's death, burial, and bodily resurrection are the content of the gospel (1 Cor. 15:3-5), the good news is closely connected with the theme of God's rule as king over all, i.e. his kingdom. Jesus boldly...
Thank you for your response. I think we can all resonate with feelings of frustration as a result of not being able to overcome sin for good in and of our own strength.
We cannot escape or overcome sin because it is a part of our nature. Our greatest problem lies inside of each and everyone of...
I have just begun reading about some of the basic tenets of Islam; including a book written by Reza Aslan titled "No god but God." It is a fascinating read that goes into the origins and development of Islam throughout history. I'm not sure that many Christians realize the tensions and...