Truth12, why have you got 2 accounts of experiences with Vishwananda, apparently by 2 different people, but repeating the same 'experience' paragraph word for word. As it happens I am just about to speak with 2 Bhakti Marga teachers and I will ask them if initiation includes being branded on...
You have to realise that these books, apparently by SV, are actually verbatim transcriptions of his talks by so-called 'devotees', they have not been edited or authorised by him because BM 'devotees' do not work like that. Therefore you cannot ascribe much credibility to them. Anyone who knows...
I have read some of the 'instructions' from Bhakti Marga about clothing when a friend of mine went on one of their pilgrimages - I was offended not only by what they said but by the way it was said. They sounded like a bunch of Nazis. While accepting that a modicum of decency and respect goes...
I think what happens is that people look at these teachers and think, quite mistakenly, that there is some glamour there that they can relate to and use to adorn themselves. Have you ever heard of the phrase 'pet guru'? Many people are deluded into thinking they are seeking spirituality and...
The other thing that comes to mind is that up until recently Swami Vishwananda was travelling everywhere giving teachings and darshans, a truly exhausting schedule over a number of years. So we are forced to the conclusion that he is teaching people all day and seducing people all night. Is...
That is a very interesting observation. From the human/emotional perspective I find something very formulaic about some of these accounts. If this Swami had betrayed and abused as many spiritually vulnerable people as they say he has he would be dead by now because one or other of these...
I have one problem with what you have said - in 2008 Swami Vishwananda was still relatively unknown - there is no way that he had 'hundreds of Brahmacaris' following him, I have seen as many as 800 Brahmacaris being spoken of in other articles and 600 in your 'review a guru' article. In 2006 he...