Life is the emotion of discovering Science, and reaallly understanding it.
No chalk mark , or long doodles will change all that, we can only rearrange them.
@ben d ,
I didn't write that blog, I copied it, and thought it fit here.
About that argument about the reason for "gravity", and the cosmos is expanding, again...
into what ? How does the container of the cosmos, exert pressure, causing gravity?
I'm happy I'm not too smart, those facts scare...
A borrowed thought
"Astrologically thinking, I think about the mysterious working of the Cosmos.
I wonder how it really came about, the egg or the chicken syngamy.
In the past few billions of years, there have evolved many wonderous entities.
If there was a true 'beginning', some sort of energy...
I'm pretty dumb here, but, what "objective evidence" do you have ? I'm missing something here I'm sure, or not, I lost the bush we were circling around.