As well as the fact that getting hormones or surgery is incredibly difficult. And you can’t get either until you’re 16+, so the exploiting children or whatever is nonsense.
Yes. Their dysphoria. Going with your logic, trans people should be able to get top and bottom surgery! I’m so glad you’re supportive of that! I’d work on your approach to the *basic human rights* side of things, though.
a) I think you’re confusing autism with down syndrome
b) Ok, I’m not sure what you’re saying at but I’ll try my best. The source of unhappiness is being constantly referred to as their agab, and that their body doesn’t line up with the “typical” anatomy of their gender. Aka gender dysphoria.
Science and religion aren’t exclusive to each other. You don’t have to deny one to believe the other. Science is real and concrete, the only people who deny it are lunatics.
In terms of atheism vs theism? Honestly not sure it depends who you ask.
We have evidence of other human species. At least one of which had spiritual practices. This is something you would most likely say is exclusive to homo sapians.