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Search results

  1. Alien826

    If God asked your for anything you wanted.And said he would give it to you what would you want?

    Perfect health for me, and an island with perfect weather, no annoying things like stinging bugs, no disease, everything I needed for food, clothing and shelter, lots of friendly animals and no other people. (No immortality for me, just a few years until I got bored with it, followed by a quick...
  2. Alien826

    'We Have Plenty of Guns If Trump Loses'

    I don't see them trying the exact same thing again. Even Trump isn't stupid enough to think that expecting the VP to refuse to count the electoral votes will happen with the current VP. And that was what the whole scheme hinged on. Biden has just appointed a law firm to look into and prepare...
  3. Alien826

    Lionizing Lyin Eyes.

    Hey, it's your thread! :) I think the secular version of that is that how we are is a result of having evolved in an environment where survival (it's more complicated than that) shaped what we became. We jerk our hand away from a flame quickly and automatically because that's the most efficient...
  4. Alien826

    Should you lie in a job interview?

    Actually I did observe him in action, as both managers worked in the same area in the same building and the division was more to do with the number of people reporting to a single manager than the nature of the work. In short he and his team worked near me. He did indeed prove to be someone I...
  5. Alien826

    Lionizing Lyin Eyes.

    @Evangelicalhumanist and @Heyo I'm reading this but don't have a lot to add so far. I kind of agree that the "self" should be expanded from conscious thought and the brain to all neural activity on the body. Makes sense anyway. On the other hand I tend to disagree when it comes to morality and...
  6. Alien826

    Should you lie in a job interview?

    That's good, but it's also worth remembering that the person interviewing you may not accurately represent the company as a whole and also may not be the person you will be working for. A true story follows. I was interviewed for a job for which I was, quite frankly, overqualified. Two people...
  7. Alien826

    Should you lie in a job interview?

    I think the most difficult questions are those that are, frankly, none of the interviewer's business. They should not be asking about your personal life for example, but if you do get such a question what to do? You can't really say "that's none of your business" or similar as it will get you to...
  8. Alien826

    Should you lie in a job interview?

    Hah, an example in my own field. When I worked as a programmer I would sometimes be called in to assess a candidate's technical ability. If someone claimed a knowledge of a particular language and I found they didn't have it, negative recommendation from me. On the other hand, if they...
  9. Alien826

    Should you lie in a job interview?

    I give a lustful look and say "Oh yes!". But then I rather like the "fuller figure". For some reason though, women seem to want a smaller butt despite the fact that it makes them less attractive to me. Odd that.
  10. Alien826

    Do (violent) video games contribute to (gun) violence?

    I played that Call of Duty game. The game allowed the player to skip that scene, as it was obviously offensive to many. For the record, the story was that you (the player) were an undercover agent who had infiltrated a terrorist gang and were expected to join in a mass shooting of innocent...
  11. Alien826

    Is this for real? Restless skulls? oh wow...

    I'll just give my own (non-religious) thoughts rather than quote anyone else. I don't think skulls have any consciousness, but surviving people that knew the person in life do. I don't believe that any part of me will survive the death of my body, but even if I'm wrong about that I strongly...
  12. Alien826

    Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic

    I wouldn't go so far as to say "deserved", but remember. A greatly outnumbered group of police were faced with a mob that was brandishing improvised weapons while trying to get into the building, and smashing windows in the process. This woman decided to climb through a window and one of the...
  13. Alien826

    Trump is losing the debate acting like a raving lunatic

    She sort of did. She said she wanted to reinstate (not the exact word) Roe, (and confirmed in a later case, Casey) which established the limit at "viability". At the time that was around 28 weeks. Now it's more like 23-24 weeks.
  14. Alien826

    Swift endorsing Harris...

  15. Alien826

    What it’s like being a “conspiracy theorist”.

    I abduct people all the time, but I don't remember your Dad. When was this?
  16. Alien826


    I'll let bad Janet answer for me...
  17. Alien826

    Waltz family members are supporting Trump.

    Would you be interested in a friendly attempt to pin down what you are claiming. I know little about Marxism, but here's what Britannica has to say. I didn't even get to the end of it, it's incredibly complicated, and it appears there are lots of different versions of Marxism. We can use it as...
  18. Alien826

    Contemporary Messenger Wanted

    That's a pretty big ask. People have been thinking and writing about these things since forever. I seriously doubt anyone could come up with anything that was not derivative in any way. Not that some wisdom does not bear repeating.
  19. Alien826

    People should know Harris's father was a Marxist economist.

    Much as I like her, I think Dolly Parton is getting a bit past it now. ;)