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  1. Tomef

    Things I Learned on RF Today

    I learned I rarely have the patience to try and explain anything more complicated than a donut / doughnut.
  2. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    In Pennsylvania. Every election in the US in the last 20 years has featured huge, unexpected swings in at least one district, and every time it happens people act like it never happened before. I’m not going to go to the trouble of addressing such trivial errors. You can easily find out yourself...
  3. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    No, it isn’t. A goal post switch is where you set some parameter and someone tries to widen it. That’s not the kind of discussion we were having. The discussion we were having was whether or not your expressed ideas about the Democrat party are consistent with reality, or if they are wildly...
  4. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    What goal post?
  5. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    What is it that you think this means? This frantic posting of things you haven't even read doesn't prove your notions about it are somehow logical. Here's something for you - a balanced article on why large numbers of Republican elected officials are taking early retirement or choosing not to...
  6. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Jesus offers a good (unverifiable) excuse for doing what you feel. Different churches have different notions about what that means, in the US anything aggressively protective of conservative America is considered ‘good’ so Jesus gets co-opted into that as a kind of cover-all justification...
  7. Tomef

    Random Meaningless Insults To Posters

    @JustGeorge doesn’t realise that the bacterial colonies in her unflossed inter-dental spaces mean she’s anything but.
  8. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    That’s a good example - this notion that there’s some mass exodus of democrat leadership, with some vague sinister overtones added for effect. Making some big thing out of common happenings, as if that’s a way to understand the world. If you switch off your emotional reaction to it, sit down and...
  9. Tomef

    Many many Chariot wheels found at bottom of Red sea.

    The ancient world equivalent of shopping trolleys.
  10. Tomef

    Random Meaningless Insults To Posters

    None of you floss enough.
  11. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Then why do you subscribe to distorted and exaggerated views on democrat positions?
  12. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    But that’s the crux of political division in the US, people holding distorted or exaggerated views of the other side’s position. That kind of thinking is what autocratic leaders use to exacerbate divisions and justify harsh measures. Historically, such things progress. Autocrats push the limits...
  13. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Yes, in other words some democrats thinking the filibuster has long outlived any usefulness it might have had doesn’t mean they are plotting to install a communist regime.
  14. Tomef

    Things I Learned on RF Today

    Using a mouse can make my elbow hurt.
  15. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Ok, would you agree that's something people would have different views on, as to whether or not it was a good thing? According to this article ( Opinion | The Filibuster That Saved the Electoral College (Published 2021) ), the divide at the time was not partisan but either ideological or the...
  16. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Do you have an example of the filibuster being used to good effect, or not?
  17. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Did you read/listen to this? Which of these instances is something Hitler used? It's an observable fact, for example, that Trump's 'saviour of the nation' rhetoric and his dehumanising and scapegoating of others matches Hitler's campaign rhetoric. What is comparable from Hitler's rise to...
  18. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Why would I rebut why it’s there? You’re not telling me anything I don’t know. What I asked you for was an example of it being used usefully, not why it exists. The US is part of the democratic world, Republic or not. I can’t tell if you’re just confused or being disingenuous. My experience...
  19. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Do you have an example of it being usefully, to achieve something of benefit to the general public?
  20. Tomef

    For Trump, size clearly matters; reality, not so much

    Another attempt to penetrate the propagandised brain. You don’t see the narrowness of this view? When it’s something you approve of, you go to the theory, what it was, in your opinion, designed for. When you don’t approve, it’s a communist plot. Most of the democratic world manages perfectly...