In another post I mentioned Rabbi Tovia Singer, a very knowledgeable and authoritative. Orthodox Rabbi. He addresses the Christianity vs Judaism issues. He's on YouTube. Contrasts the relevant scriptures, chapter and verses. Those are the only issues he addresses. Highly recommended.
To get a feel for Judaism and how it differs from Christianity, you really need to read an English translation of the original Hebrew and Aramai, and not an English translation of a Latin translation of a Greek translation of the original. JPS is good. Or Google " and search for your...
That might well be the Christian belief, but the whole of Christisnity is foreign to us. No man-gods, no blood atonement for intentional sins, nobody except the injured party can forgive me.
We're lightyears apart.
During Temple days one couldn't rob someone then make a burnt offering to atone for the robbery.
By vicarious atonement it is meant only the sinner mat atone for his sins. Nobody except the sinner and we must beg forgiveness from the person we sinned against. I must go to the person I robbed...
Exactly. Christianity is irrelevant to Judaism. The last line of the Tanach is neither "Vol.1" nor "To be continued." Neither is it "The Old Testament." It's the Hebrew Tanach, period. BTW. "Bible" is a Latin label, not a part of the name.
Regardles of what the Christian Scriptures...
Not sure what your question is, but understand we don't recognize a "New Testament" or "Christian Bible." Our holy book is the "Tanach" and it didn't end with "Vol.1" or "To be continued." We consider your "New Testament" to be "The Christisn Scriptures." For us there is no such thing as...