Hello RF!
As some of you already know, tomorrow will broadcast the start of my Church's Semi Annual General Conference.
For those that don't already know, there will be a series of Talks, Sermons, Musical Hymns, and Prayers given by Officers and General Authorities of the Church of Jesus...
This is more of a poetry challenge and not so much a Math challenge. Improve this mnemonic by swapping out the words and syllables with ones that make a funnier matrix, more readable and memorable for both the matrix and the i j k lines.
See if you can come up with something snappy, vibrant...
Anyone doing NaNoWriMo this year?
For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month (though has long since become an international thing), which is a 30-day challenge during November of every year to write an average-length novel (50k words).
I'm dusting off last...