The true 'theory of everything' must cover all the departments within a large university: theology, math, physics, cosmology, geology, biology, chemistry - all sciences - linguistics/English, history, music/dance, art, sports, etc...
Superstring Theory: 6D hyperspace + 4 common...
GOD: everything/the all-inclusive system as a whole, The Conglomerate of Universes as omniscient quantum computer/†he 1 Mind, The Truth, The Greater GOOD. (Part of Seal #5)
God-incarnate: the reincarnating original and number 1 programmer, the Creator and Savior of all 'true Earth-like...
The Story of Noah's Ark is as well known as any story if not more! But it's not to be taken literally and it's not to be dismissed as just an ancient myth. The Story of Noah's Ark has some very valuable lessons to learn and just as importantly, it's encoded with secret information that I will...