That title may sound strange to some, but I was reflecting today on the destruction of Hurricane Ian, and the sermon on the mount.
Jesus' very opening words are interesting.
He started off with the word 'happy', and proceeded to mention, in a few cases, some things that aren't pleasant.
I'm feeling good today, and I'm gonna post some of my normal prayers I do for the day here, so that other people can enjoy them as well. I like to pray to Feyhan for luck before I go out on walks, or even shopping and I feel he helps me find little fortunes I would not otherwise. I hope this...
I have been reading about these forums, and everyone here seems very open, and accepting of others and their beliefs, everyone seems to kind. So in good faith, I would like to offer a prayer to everyone. Anyone may join too, if they would also like to say some kind words for everyone here, it...