In John 8:40, Jesus expresses to a group of Jews that he, Jesus, is a man who ‘Heard the Truth from God’.
But shortly after that certain factions of ‘Christianity’ claim that Jesus was calling himself ‘God’ (John 8:58).
Please can the situation be clarified as to how it is to be believed that...
God's Name in our language
Is it coincidence, that the English language uses "I am" instead of "I are"
Or is this even God's Leela/play/game ... as the name of God is "I Am"
In Hinduism:
Some Saints, Wise, Poorna Avatars teach "repeat God's Name is enough in Kali Yuga to secure God's Grace"...
If you believe that Jesus (& Moses ,ect) performed acts that would be considered today as witchcraft or/ alchemy?
What makes them different to a witch?
How would you feel if One showed this talent in this day and age? (would you consider 'evil' or would you consider the 'second coming')
Buddha teaches that there is no self in five skandhas and exhorts us to examine truth of this. But how does one do that? Non existent examining non existence?