Cultural scientists count over 10000 gods in the world. Who told you then that there is none or one?
I am monotheist because I have only one God in my heart. But sinners have many gods in their heart.
The satan is impostor. He pretends being God of the Bible any time it serves his evil plans...
Dear friends, if Einstein's Theory of Relativity is like a god, can I kill it?
F. Nietzsche seems to be "good" in killing true God by saying "God is dead", but I bet he will defend any man-made idol. But the Truth is the destroyer of idols:
One Page Refutation of Theory of Relativity of...
I suspect that the word "idol" has changed its meaning. What was his meaning in the Christian Empire of Constantine the Great?
Can this word be used in its old meaning again, replacing the word "gods" in the movies, ufology, and historic texts?
Do we call idols the gods when we talk about...
Do you not know the opinion of God, really? And what does the conscience suggest? Conscience is the voice of God in human.
False atheists say: "There is no True God, there are only idols: the false gods are made by man."
A false atheist is moved by rejection and an allergy to the words "True...
السلام عليكم
I was watching this video and I don't understand one things that I wish to be explained to me by you brothers and sisters since I just started intensively research the life of the Prophet ﷺ. At that time the Kaaba was filled with idols which Allah spoke against so why did the...