Why have scientists become less religious, less fundamental, and less principal in their faith over the centuries?
Why, over the centuries, have Theists become less scientific and less focused on using the mind?
I believe there is the "law of a second extraordinary talent." Great talents are...
In the article attached (the language and style is perfect, like ones of W. Shakespear) I present an argument,
that the convictions and beliefs are important in the Quest for Objective Truth.
I will add this text to any of my submissions into top scientific journals (mathematics, physics)...
Everyone has an opinion. But can personal opinion be of use in Scientific Endeavour?
In the best case scenario, which was perhaps during Albert Einstein's live times, the journals
really read the articles of the authors trying to demonstrate them their fatal mistake.
Then there could be a...
The arXiv.org looks like a cemetery of the unchecked solutions to known conjectures, however the Positive Methodology, if widely accepted, can get them journal publication.
Today's science, if the author is not a recognized top scientist, demands that the manuscript be absolutely obvious as 2 +...
QUOTE from my paper with Short Proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (P.S. can I sell the manuscript to you?):
The unhealthy addiction to scientific skepticism pushes the reader to see a lot of mistakes, inconsistencies, and dubious places in the paper. So now please read text with a strong desire to...
Team Flat are followers of Flat shape of Earth, team Globe are followers of Globe (like sphere) shape of Earth.
1. The unshakable method of science sounds like "Science is refutable." Details:
Falsifiability - Wikipedia
Same thing...
The words "Science is a system of knowledge obtained by scientific methods" is tautology. After all, scientific methods are the section of science "Methodology". Here, in Theology, one of the methods is reading the Bible and prayer (cleansing the mind).
Therefore, you can reduce: "Science is...
The author has completed school with Gold Medal, the
Tartu University with Cum Laude, was published in top academic
journals, including Physical Review, was university lector, first
part of the CV is in etis.ee
I have presented PhDs my Theology Journal papers, but they were
Yeah, I'll admit, the title of the thread borders on clickbait.
But anyway...
A new scientific theory was just revealed that refutes truths in your current belief structure. What do you do?
Let's be clear on the definition of scientific theory...
"A scientific theory is an explanation of...