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  1. Ehav4Ever

    The Written Torah - How It Came About and Who Wrote It

    In this thread I will discuss the historical / traditional claim made by Torah based Jews / Orthodox Jews, Samaritans, and even Karaites that the written text of the Torah was dictated by the Creator of all things to Mosheh ben-Amram and that the current Torah texts of ancient Torah based...
  2. R

    Moses and the Jews were the Hyksos?

    The is an accountability from Egyptian sources of the Hyksos that matches the same description for Jews at that time. Shepard nomadic tribe from Asia, more specifically Syria, that got their way into Egypt at first with gifts, then by force and had illegitimate kings ruling over part of Egypt...
  3. P

    My Understanding along the Journey

    What I would be sharing here as the Title mentions is My Understanding of Scriptures especially Islamic , because I have studied , heard, debated and grew up(still) in that atmosphere. But when faced with extremely challenging situations in life , I couldn't find some answers which increased my...
  4. Teritos

    Is Deuteronomy 18:18 Jesus?

    I will raise up for them a prophet from among their countrymen like you(Moses), and I will put My words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them everything that I command him. Why I believe Deuteronomy 18:18 is Jesus: Both Moses and Jesus were born when Israel was under bondage, Moses in...
  5. firedragon

    The Pentateuch and its sources, is it one, four, or more?

    If I may, if not all, most adherents of the Jewish faith, the Christian faith, and to a lesser degree, the Islamic faith (I dont know to what degree) believe that the Pentateuch or the first five books of the Tanakh or as the Christians called it, the Old Testament was one mans work. I will...
  6. Ehav4Ever

    Torath Mosheh

    I decided to addres a few questions about Torath Mosheh here in this thread. It will make it easier to explain what the term means and why it is used in a number of Jewish sources. I am working on a video to give more detail. I hope to have it done soon. Until then this video may give some detail.
  7. W

    How is God's prophesy of making Jews jealous by going to the gentiles played out

    In the end of Moses life he has a song where God prophesies about Israel falling away and God spiring up jealousy by going to the gentiles Isaiah and the Song of Moses start the same way and both speak of a rebellious Israel and Isaiah appears to build on the same. Moses spoke of a future...
  8. Riaan

    Who was Moses?

    It seems like no two scholars agree on whether Moses actually existed and whether the Exodus ever took place. However, there is one possibility I certainly think is worth investigating. Only one ancient historian mentions the pharaoh of the Exodus, namely Manetho as quoted by Josephus, and the...
  9. W3bcrowf3r

    Are we following the correct Biblical calendar?

    There is a Biblical calendar. And a Rabbinical calendar. Which one are we following? And which one should we follow?
  10. W3bcrowf3r

    Any believers who read the Quran, Gospel, Psalms and the Torah?

    I am reading them and it's good to see that God speaks to the nations and sends them Messengers from among themselves. I am also learning Greek, Hebrew and Arabic. Any other believers here in this DIR who believe Jesus is the Son, the Christ, and that only YHVH the Father is God, and that there...
  11. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Mythism : Did the prophets actually exist?

    It's not too difficult to find someone who will tell you that say Zeus never existed. It is however much less common to find people who will tell you that Jesus never existed. You may even get some people who outright deny that Jesus was God or that Christianity has any merit but still affirms...
  12. W

    In what ways is the day of atonement celebrated today

    Now that the day of atonement was a few days ago. How is it or should it be celebrated today?
  13. MountainPine

    Christianity and Veganism

    Back in January I had shared an ebook under Resources that explained how God requires abstinence from meat, but I haven't gotten feedback from any Christians. The book is called The Abomination of Desolation and contains much evidence from the Bible to prove it's thesis. I am curious to know the...