UFO translates as Unidentified FO. But he has been identified for a
long time. Identified as The Secret, as the Mystery. There is always
a place for mystery in this world. There are two Mysteries:
1. Sinful Mystery - satan, "and on her forehead is the name - Mystery" (Book of Apocalypse),
Anything can be examined by science, even the beliefs like "unscientific precognition" (e.g. by TV-show "Mythbusters")?
The needed test starts by:
Take the PC random number generator, which output is 1 or 2.
Make it run 3 times, hereby you try to predict the coming number.
Using Science...
25 jun 2018 stvdv 012 76
It's useless IMHO to prove your point(about God) to others
Yesterday or so I replied to a post "Does God care if some decide not to believe in Him?"
1) God won't care If God does NOT exist
2) God won't care If God does exist
These ones can be proven easily even
Any good examples of deliberate paradox?
God is incomprehensible but knowable.
I like the 3 verse psalm , Psalm 131 (psalm-lett?) (laden with paraxod-letts)?
Discussion guide week 7 the short psalms
Yes, that is how I define myself. I'm both at the same time, therefore I could as well be none.
I don't believe in believe. That being said, I believe that we are all transparent to Nature which we humans make part of. All things known and unknown are plenty as they are, so much so that...