Judaism DIR
In the last couple of weeks I've been thinking a lot about various names both in the Tanach and in the Talmud.
The Talmud mentions the names of a number of background characters in the Tanach that appear nameless (if they appear at all) but there are traditions to their names.
In my view,
Pagan religions have little to do with ideological systems. It is about the spiritual connection with the ancestors, one's people, the Land, local spirits, customs, traditions. Sure, Pagans create great poetic stories that are told and retold with great joy but nothing people have...
I have always wondered about our names. For many of us we are given names at a young age and they stay that way forever. However I do know of some cultures that, traditionally, when a person "comes of age" they adopt a new name that they pick themselves.
So, what does a name mean to you? Does...