I'm a satanic Witch, occultist, occult scientist, librarian, Pagan, etc. PM or ask me anytime if you need resources or books, this is a post I made with all of the occult and religion libraries I know-
Free Religion and Occult Libraries
Interview me about anything! x.x
I don't really know where else to ask this..how do I tell my Christian family that I practice true ancient Satanism and Witchcraft??
Do you have experience with this? Or you and your family practice the same religion..?
I enjoy sharing knowledge but I don't know where else to post this information.
This meditation will stimulate and activate your pineal gland and will also start the ambrosia flowing. Everyone is different so it may take weeks, months or even years for different people. **Note: I didn't invent...
I grew up Christian, I practice True Ancient Satanism and Witchcraft. I also do free divination (tarot, shufflemancy and stitchomancy) readings, you can PM if you want one. I'm here to learn more about various religions and enjoy Knowledge, exploring other people's points of views and meeting...