|| om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya ||
vasudeva sutaM devaM kauMsa chAnura mardanaM |
devakI paramAnandaM KRshNaM vande jagatguruM ||
Some wonder if the Universe is a giant neural network.
SanAtan Dharma, which is Hindu Dharma, has always said so, and the One behind the whole show...
I am looking for which god(s) in ancient Egyptian religion most closely resembled the Abrahamic or Mosaic one, a Supreme Creator Lord. Which god was the earliest, most foundational, the one who was a Lord, an uncreated eternal Originator or Creator of all things? Perhaps there is no particular...
*Important: All the below expound the secrets of Vedam, and are absolutely in line with it, will add others later. This serves as reference so that we can learn about vaishnavism from any of these texts and myself should start reading these: