EDIT: Here you can discuss how moksha is seen by the various schools of Vaishnavism.
Vaishnavism has four major sampradyas or denominations.
They are -
*Dvaita school of Madhvacharya
* Vishist-advaita school of Ramanuja
* Shuddha-advaita school of Vallabhacharya
* Dvaitadvaita school of...
*Important: All the below expound the secrets of Vedam, and are absolutely in line with it, will add others later. This serves as reference so that we can learn about vaishnavism from any of these texts and myself should start reading these:
I have tremendous Arachnophobia and often I kill tarantulas that simply pop up in the walls of my room by spraying them with poisonous chemicals.
I couldn't just throw it out of the room since I m really terrified of going near it.
But after killing it, I do feel guilty and sad.
I also evade...