Fine by me... seems easily enough forgotten.
Based on your start, I do indeed have to admit that I am far from reaching an understanding of where you were going. You can't just say things like the sentence you started out with and expect that it will just be accepted, or even that it makes sense. What does "being complete in the Universe" even mean? Is it a "god" thing and therefore I am not expected to understand it? Do YOU fully understand it? And can you explain how it is impossible to "be complete in the Universe" (after you have explained that bit, of course), without "creating evil?" Why is this impossible? Does the very definition of "being complete in the universe" include "creating evil?"
Also, we have a problem from the start, because you must first also establish that what God deems "evil" is what is detrimental TO HUMANS. Because, to be sure, when we humans invoke the term "evil" we are specifically referencing the intent of beings who intend harm to other beings... and that being mostly harm TO HUMANS specifically. Because, let's face it, I don't think you find what your local butcher does to a chicken to be considered "evil" but if he were to do the exact same thing to a human being then you would most certainly classify this as "evil." And this specifically because YOU ARE A HUMAN. Do you understand? The point being - God is NOT a human, right? And so can we be assured that what is deemed "evil" by God necessarily matches up to what is deemed "evil" by human beings? That is, that it conforms to being those things with deleterious intent toward human beings? For that matter, can YOU be assured that what YOU deem as "evil" is even matched to what I, personally, deem as "evil?" And the main sticking point that is meant to raise is that if you can't even be sure what your fellow man (who you are capable of communicating with DIRECTLY) deems as evil matches your own expectations, then how could you ever possibly expect to have a grasp of what God deems as evil, and that that matches up to your own expectations, when you can't directly communicate with Him, and the communications from Him (e.g. The bible) regarding what is deemed evil are either incomplete or seem to gloss over or accept some pretty horrible things (slavery, the taking of women as spoils of war, genocide committed by God Himself, the killing of first born males regardless of age for the "sins" of their parents, killing a huge portion of land animals because of what he didn't like in humans alone, blowing up entire cities and turning people into salt for merely turning around, sending bears to maul a bunch of kids just for poking fun at a bald man, requesting that a father kill His son and being pleased with the man for being willing to go through with it, even though He really didn't want the man to do it because that would be disgusting and wrong, etc. etc. etc.)