Indeed...and why is it called "popular science" ? Because its not that deep and anyone with half a brain can swallow it with a decent bit of computer generated imagery, especially kids.
The kind of science that deserves a good reputation is the kind that does not destroy faith in the Creator. Most provable science demonstrates the amazing creative abilities God has.....I have no beef with any of that. Evolutionary science is the only one that people debate....hotly....with religious fervor almost. Its like a war with science seeing themselves on the winning side triumphant, vindicated, standing over the bloodied corpses of the believers. Whilst the believers warn of all manner of dreadful things befalling those who deny the Creator. Its like a bad movie plot actually.
I believe that this planet belongs to the one who made it and everything on it....those who don't acknowledge the Creator as the rightful sovereign over his own creation, and who want to dictate their own terms on this life, will be forced to face the "Landlord" one day and explain why they broke the terms of the tenancy agreement.....will it be an unpleasant encounter?.....I can only go by what the Bible indicates.
(John 3:16)