Given all the tax cutting proposals that floated around recently, I have zero confidence that the deficit gets stabilized. Zero. Instead we'll see net borrow and spend while the disproven trickle down fallacy will be trotted out of the coffin once again. Because history proves that whenever Republicans take over government this pattern repeats. Anyone who thinks it will be different this time is welcome to buy a bridge I'm selling.
$1,920,000,000,000 Debt Explosion Hits US As International Monetary Fund Issues Dire Warning on Nation's 'Loose Fiscal Policy'
$1,920,000,000,000 Debt Explosion Hits US As International Monetary Fund Issues Dire Warning on Nation's 'Loose Fiscal Policy'
In both the US and China, the IMF says current debt trajectories are unsustainable.
“After years of loose fiscal policy, it is now time to stabilize debt dynamics and rebuild much-needed fiscal buffers…
For some countries, like the United States and China, debt dynamics are not stabilized under current fiscal plans. In many others, while early fiscal plans showed promise after the pandemic and cost-of-living crises, there are increasing signs of slippage.”
“The path is narrow: unduly delaying adjustment increases the risk of disorderly market-imposed adjustments, while an excessively sharp turn toward fiscal consolidation would be self-defeating and hurt economic activity.
Success requires staying the course by implementing gradual and credible multiyear adjustments without delay, where consolidation is necessary. The more credible and disciplined the fiscal adjustment, the more monetary policy will be able to play a supporting role. But the willingness and ability to deliver disciplined and credible adjustments have been lacking.”