Savage Wind, as you know I embrace God. I experience the depths of the divine daily in a heart of deep devotion. Yet, I embrace what science teaches about evolution. In fact, I see it very much within the light of scripture, "The heavens declare the glory of God, the firmament shows his handiwork".
What I find sad and distressing is those that mistake their READING, their interpretation of the book of Genesis, in other words their ideas, as the truth of God. It is frankly, idolatry.
Science has strong, overwhelmingly strong evidence of evolution, even if all the specifics of all things about it are still in investigation. The evidence is in. It does happen, it has happened. It will continue to happen. And to me, it speaks of God.
But to those who are afraid to have faith, who cling to their beliefs in the face of such beautiful and overwhelming evidence instead of opening themselves to what science is all about, discovering the mystery of this beautiful creation, I weep for them. For they forfeit the light that knowledge offers them in their thirst for Truth.