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23 March 1889. The Beginning of Promised Spiritual Reforms – Divine Knowledge and Signs.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. The promised spiritual reforms started on 23 rd March 1889, when Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) made the Jama’at by taking Bai’at…To bring the humanity back to God was his basic purpose. It is knowledge and understanding of God that inspires one to do good works. The more one’s understanding of God, the better will one appreciate the spirit of worship and good works and practice them. The basis of understanding reality of Islam, worship of God and commandments of God is knowledge of the greatness of God and knowledge of His Unity as well as knowledge of different aspects of God’s attributes of Glory and Beauty.

Understanding of Divine Ways
To fulfill the purpose of his coming, Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) explains various aspects about Divine Knowledge. For example, he tells,

= Knowledge of the sublime beauty and attributes of God the Most High, the Most Glorious generates the fire of His love. His love burns away sins.

= The way of God is that this knowledge is granted to ordinary people through Prophets of God and people attain light from their light by following them. They attain whatever has been granted to the Prophets.

= Only Islam gives real knowledge of God in every age because its Prophet and teaching is living. In the love and subordination of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) one can be the recipient of Word of God and doors of Divine light can be opened to one.

= Knowledge is gained through God’s grace and also remains through His grace.

= Do not imagine that you pray every day and offer Salat which is also a Prayer, because the prayer that one is enabled to make through God’s grace and after gaining knowledge has a unique tenor and condition. It annihilates; it is a fire that melts, it is a magnetic pull that draws God’s mercy, it is a death that ultimately brings life, it is a tumultuous flood which ultimately turns into a vessel and everything that has gone wrong is fixed with it and every toxin ultimately becomes an antidote through it.

= Many verbally profess the existence of God but a little probing shows them to be atheistic. When they are engaged in worldly matters they completely forget God’s greatness and His wrath. This is why it is very important that you should seek knowledge from God through prayer.

= While one should pray to be protected against sin one should never let go of planning [regarding this] and should give up all gatherings and assemblies which promote sin and pray and be very aware that one can never be free from the tribulations that are destined for man without God’s help.

= Look, how a child is tempted to catch a snake for it fascinates him. He may even touch it. But a sensible person who knows the snake will bite and kill shall never dare touch it. He will not even enter a house in which he knows there is a snake. Likewise when one knows that poison kills, he will never be foolhardy enough to taste it. In the same manner, one cannot avoid sin unless one believes it to be a deadly poison.

= Created objects validate the existence of a Designer, a Maker, but do not prove that indeed He exists. ‘Should exist’ and ‘does exist’ are two separate matters….. He can be recognised through the sources that He Himself has given. In this regard there is no other prayer like: ‘Guide us in the right path - the path of those on whom Thy hast bestowed Thy blessings…’ (1: 6-7)

= The root of faith is recognition of God and knowledge of Divine blessings while its branches are good works and its flowers are high morals while its fruits are spiritual blessings and most exquisite love which develops between God and His servant.

= Because sin and wickedness has vastly increased in the world in the current times and paths of recognizing God cannot be seen, Allah the Exalted established this movement and sent me with His grace and favor alone so that I may inform the negligent and the unaware about Allah the Exalted. Not only should I inform them about God but I may also show God Almighty to those who come to this way with honesty, patience and sincerity. This is why God Almighty addressed me and said: ‘You are from Me and I am from you.’

Mention of Signs of Truth of The Promised Messiah and Mahdi
1-Solar and Lunar eclipses took place in one Ramadan, exactly as foretold as the sign of true Mahdi, by Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him). It happened in 1894 in southern hemisphere and in 1895 in northern hemisphere.

2-Revelation of consolation by God to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.):‘Is Allah not sufficient for His servant?’ (39: 37)
God has been fulfilling this promise.

3- The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote about progress of the Jama’at: ‘There is a prophecy in Barahin e Ahmadiyya about this Jama’at: [Translation] First it will be a seed that will send forth its sprout, it will then become strong and thick, and then stand firm on its stem.
This great prophecy is unfolding by the grace of God. Jama’at has reached, from 300,000 in 1907 to now in tens of millions in every country. The Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace) message reaches the ends of the earth via MTA (mta.tv).

4- ‘There is another prophecy also recorded in Barahin-e- Ahmadiyya: i.e., Allah will shield you from all calamities, even though people do not wish to see you saved from them.

Promised Messiah (a.s.) explains when he claimed about his ministry, how maulvis joined hands to a clergyman Dr. Martyn Clark in false murder case against him. God failed all of them as he had promised 25 years ealier.
This sign was fulfilled yet again when recently the great grandson of Martyn Clark accepted that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was right while his ancestor was in the wrong.

5- The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wrote that a Maulwi Ghulam Dastgir of Kasur published a booklet ‘Fateh Rahmani’ in my opposition…in it he invoke a malediction upon me in the way of a Mubahla (prayer duel); he used a verse of Holy Quran: ‘So the very roots of the people who did wrong were cut off; and all praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.’(6:46) ….God accepted his prayer and he did not even get the respite to see the publication of his book and died beforehand; he died a few days after making this prayer.

6- The Promised Messiah (a.s.)wrote: ‘There is a prophecy in Barahin e Ahmadiyya: You will be granted eloquence in Arabic language which no one will be able to equal. Thus no one has yet been able to equal…A revelation was received from God Almighty in this regard: Your discourse has been made eloquent by the Noble Lord. Below is the detail of the Arabic books I have written thus far. Some of these are prose books and others poetry books and none of the scholars among our detractors can match them: Page 73 to 282 of Anjaam Aatham, pages of A’ina Kamalat Islam, Karamat-us-Sadiqeen, Hamamatul Bushra, Seeratul Abdal, Nurul Haq, Part I and II, Tuhfa Bughdad, Ijazul Masih, Ittemamul Hujjat,, Hujjatullah, Sirrul Khalafa, Muwahibur Rahman, Ijaz e Ahmadi, Khutbah Illhamiyya, Al Huda…Tadhkiratush Shahadatain and books which have been written in Arabic but have not yet been printed are: Targhibul Momineen, Lujjatun Noor, Najmul Huda.’ (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, pp. 235)

7- Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was requested to write answers to some spiritual question for a conference. He writes: ‘I prayed to God that He may reveal to me a discourse that may triumph over all the speeches that would be made in that Conference. After this supplication, I found that a certain power had been breathed into me, and I felt this heavenly power stirring within me. My friends who were present at the time know that I did not write any preliminary draft of this paper. Whatever I wrote, I wrote extemporaneously. And I wrote the manuscript so quickly and with such flow that the copyist found it hard to keep pace with me. When I finished writing the paper, I received this Revelation from God Almighty, ‘The paper transcends all others.’ Thus when the paper was being read out in that conference, the audience were in an ecstasy and exclamations of acclaim were heard from every corner. So much so that the Hindu gentleman who presided over the conference, could not help exclaiming, “The paper transcends all others.” An English daily, The Civil and Military Gazette, which is published from Lahore, also recorded its testimony, “The paper transcends all others.” About twenty Urdu newspapers also gave the same testimony…To this day there are hundreds of people who continue to give the same testimony. Thus with the testimony of every sect, as well as of the English newspapers, my prophecy, ‘The paper transcends all others’, was fulfilled. This challenge was like the one that Prophet Moses (as) had to take up against the sorcerers, for in this Conference exponents of different schools of thought delivered speeches about their respective faiths. Some of them were Christians, some were Hindus of Sanatan Dharam or Arya Samaj, some were Brahmus, some were Sikhs, and some were Muslims who oppose us. All of them had turned their sticks into imaginary snakes, but when God unleashed the rod of the truth of Islam against them in the form of a pure and profound discourse, it turned into a python and devoured all their snakes. To this day people are all praise for the address that issued from my mouth. [Praise be to Allah for this.]’ (Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 22, pp. 291-292 – Essence of Islam, Vo. V. pp. 59-61)

Such signs continue and attract pious hearts after 125 years.

More in Divine Understandings and Signs for the Truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah and Mahdi (on whom be peace), Friday sermons by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help Him with His Mighty Help), U.K.
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Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you. The conference mention at #7 above, dealt with:

" the following five broad themes with detail set by the moderators of the Conference:

the physical, moral, and spiritual states of man;
what is the state of man after death?
the object of man's life and the means of its attainment;
the operation of the practical ordinances of the Law in this life and the next;
sources of Divine knowledge

The subjects of the soul, the threefold reformation of man, what is moral quality? Why the flesh of swine is prohibited, the attributes of God and heaven upon earth are also discussed"
Source: The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all.
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