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3 Days Camp to Improve Practice, Faith, Peace = Jalsa Salana – Objectives – Instructions.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…As it was mentioned previously, the guests of the Jalsa come with virtuous purpose; and they have to come with it. The righteous purpose of the Jalsa are:
To try to:

--Get understanding of reality of Deen [religion, way] and learn it,

--Progress in spirituality,

--Improve the inborn goodness in the virtuous environment,

--Get the knowledge of the best ways to fulfill the Promise, which we have made, that we shall give precedence to our religion over the worldly life. After getting this knowledge, then try to practice it.
--Develop attention, more than before, to pay rights of people.

--Engage the tongue in remembrance of Allah the Exalted – If already being done, then progress in it.

Pay attention to offer worship and try to bring them to the standard which Allah the Exalted and His Messenger wants from us. This standard is mentioned in Quran Kareem:


[ch52:v57]”And I have not created the Jinn and human but that they worship Me.”

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says at a place:

“Thus by virtue of this verse, the real purpose of human life is to worship God the Exalted, and to get knowledge about God the Exalted, and to become for God the Exalted.”

In short, it should be the duty of everyone who joins the Jalsa, that they should make their journey and purpose of coming here, pure journey for Allah and the means to get pleasure of Allah the Exalted……….If it is not so, then the guests, who come with bearing lot of difficulties and expenses, will not be fulfilling the purpose of this Jalsa.

Thus it is the great responsibility of those who join the Jalsa. And taking care of this responsibility increases their importance. And that is the reason of importance of the volunteer-workers, as mentioned in previous Friday sermon, who offer their selves for the righteous work i.e. to serve the guests. The reward for volunteer-workers becomes double because they serve such guests and simultaneously listen to the programs, and join the environment of Jalsa, which give life and improvement to their practice and faith.

Guest and hosts i.e. the people on duty, should remember that these three days is the Camp to improve their practice and faith. Thus try to get full benefit of this. Participate in it with full attention and faculties.

We have to keep, always in view, the aims, which Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has mentioned about Jalsa. His purpose was to present the model-to-copy for the world, by keeping his follower in an environment. He said that the hearts of his followers should fully lean towards Hereafter i.e. they should always be concerned about Hereafter…….. This is not an ordinary matter, human cannot achieve this status only by his effort; he should do his maximum possible effort and then remain busy in prayers:

“O Allah, problems and obstructions of the world are in coming in my path. You, by Your grace, enable me to walk on the path, which is the path of Your Pleasure. Fill Your such an awe in my heart, which is for a dear and beloved (this fear is not due to oppression but it is due to love) lest any of my action may not become cause of Your displeasure. May each of my step be towards virtues which You have commanded to do. And my thought should hatefully expel each of that thing from my mind, which You have commanded not to do. May I pay rights of people by exercising Taqwa / righteousness, and may I always pay attention to rights of Allah. May I achieve the thing which You have declared as aim of my life i.e. worship; may I attain that standard of worship, which You require of Your servants. May I become such model of lofty morals that people may feel proud to follow it.”

Thus by joining this Jalsa, it is needed that we should make flows of our prayers and thoughts as this. It is great benevolence of Allah the Exalted upon us that, as He showed us ways of worship and ways to get its high standards in Quran Kareem, lofty morals which are related to rights of people are also pointed out. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has declared obligatory for those who join this Jalsa that they should achieve and practice high morals. At a place, he mentioned this standard as:

“I tell very truly that faith of human cannot not be surely right unless he give precedence to comfort of his brother over his own comfort as much possible.”

It is not ordinary to this reach standard. There are many who take care of comfort of others, but according to their resources. If they do not have to sacrifice their own comfort, they care. If is very rarely observed that one give precedence to comfort of others over his own comfort. In blood relations, sometimes people sacrifice their comfort but they are very few; it is very difficult for everyone to present sacrifice of this standard. In relation to comfort of others, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that Unless one considers pain of others as like one’s own pain, one cannot be true believer….If my sick brother has pain and I am sleeping with comfort, then sorry at my state. It is my responsibility that I should make means of comfort for him, as much as it is possible. If a brother-in-religion talk to me harshly due to his self-ness, then too, sorry at my state, if I intentionally treat him harshly. It is my responsibility that I should show patience and pray for him tearfully that he is spiritually sick; may Allah the Exalted reform him.

Thus this is the standard, about which Allah has commanded in Quran Kareem, “rohamao beynahum” momin / believer have mutual passions of mercy. Because of these passion, they feel each others’ pain, and they pray and act for its removal.

We have to self check that how many of us achieve this standard. If we act on it, all of our small and big disputes shall end. The question of personal egos arises, racours get ignited when Taqwa / righteousness and fear of God the Exalted is absent and when personal benefits are being given precedence over others’ benefits…….. It is responsibility of each momin / believer to develop Taqwa; it is responsibility of every person who says that he is from the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace); it is responsibility of every person who is joining the Jalsa.

To be the recipient of prayers of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and to get blessings of Jalsa, all disputes should be finished and above advices should be practiced.

We are fortunate because we get guidance from Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) at every step; we understand reality of Islam and Taqwa….We are not like those scatted Muslims, who cannot know whom to follow and whom not to follow. Their so-called leaders and religious-guides have made them busy to cut throats of each others……Pray for these people too that may Allah the Exalted grant them wisdom, and may they not become station of displeasure of God the Exalted because of their such misdeeds. By presenting wrong concept of Islam before world, may they not try to give bring bad reputation to Islam and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) defines his followers in these words: The true Muslim is the one, from whose tongue and hand, each Muslim (and) each Peace-giver is safe, without reservation.

Then Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explained to us that, from a true momin / believer, not only own people but people of others religions are safe.

Quran Karim has mentioned high morals, some of these are:

It explains Why you should have high morals?

[ch3:v111]” kuntum khaira ummatin ukhrejat linnasey tamoruna bilma-rufey wa tanhona anil munkarey…………..”

i.e. ‘You are the best Jama'at, which is raised for the benefit of all human. You enjoined what is good a forbid evil…………….’

Thus the sign of a momin, sign of person from Muslim Ummah, is that they tell others to do good acts and they forbid them from evil; they give benefit to others and save for loss…..May Muslims understand it and pay their responsibility……Instead of by wrongly using name of Islam, shedding blood of humanity, they should show beauty of Islam to the world……These people have denied Promised Messiah (a.s.), (at least their leaders did, others do not understand)….Therefore, neither they can be guide, nor there is anyone to guide them, unless they believe Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

Today, by becoming ‘khairey ummat (the best of people)’ the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is given the responsibility to do this work. We have to understand this responsibility.

A property of momin is that he should take care of poor. He spends his wealth for the needy and deprived people of the society; not by declaring it as benevolence, but by understating it as the right of theirs; serving them.

Here it is to be mentioned that usually, weaknesses of Muslims are seen by everyone, and these are broadcasted much, their goodness are ignored…..Few days ago, a survey was conducted by locals (non-Muslim) that which people give the most charity [sadqah, kheyraat] in the world. It turned out that people who believe in God the Exalted, believer of any religion offer more charity than religion-less people and those who do not believe in God the Exalted…...........Among the religions, it turned out that Muslim offer more charity than others.

The presence of this virtue is due to commandment about offering charity [sadqah, kheyrat] to Muslims.

May God, it so happen that they do other good too.
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Peace be upon you.

Allah the Exalted says, Give precedence to others over your selves…… Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said about a purpose of Jalsa thate so many people get together at a place, needs arise. In such times, a real Ahmadi should sacrifice his need for the need of others and also show model of love and sacrifice.

Allah the Exalted likes humbleness very much…….A believer is advised to be humble. In a large gathering, many problems arise because arrogance stops solving those problems….An Ahmadi, particularly, should pay attention to be humble because Allah the Exalted praised this property of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) very much and revealed to him: Transltion: “Your humble ways, He liked.”……..Thus if we claim we have his reference, we need to pay special attention to adopt these properties.

Similarly, Thinking good about others, Truthfulness, Mention of truth in every condition. Allah the Exalted says that the standard of truth and justice should be such that if testimony is to be given against self or against dear ones, it should be given but do not leave truth…..Forgiveness, Patience, etc……We should try to practice all these virtues…… These are manifested when many people are gathered and some situation come up, then true morals of people become visible.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has specially taught his believers, in the light of Quran Kareem, to practices these morals.

Allah has dawn our attention to practice Adl (absolute justice) and Ehsan (more benevolence than due). The standards of Adl and Ehsan are established by Quran Karim are such that no other Book has done so. Animosity of enemy should not stop a believer to act with justice……These are the standards which are specialty of Islam; of a Muslim; and should be so.

We are commanded to do all these virtues.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that People come is Jalsa in large numbers, they should practice high morals in real way.

True morals are manifested when there are many people gathered. If high standard of morals are practiced, we illustrate beautiful teaching of Islam. These models become the ways of conveying of message of Ahmadiyya Islam. To show models of these morals is the specialty of Ahmadiyya Muslim. Many people are drawn towards Jama'at when they see these high morals practiced……There might be many among you, whose elders joined the Jama'at because of blessings of Jalsa; their models might have caused others to accept Truth. There might be guests sitting here, whore models had caused others to get Truth. Reports come from many countries which states that when people joined the Jalsa, due to virtuous effect of Jalsa and mutual relation of people, they learned the true teaching of Islam. They said when they saw the peaceful air of Jalsa, they leaned how the gathering of thousands can be peaceful…..Some religious leaders of Africa, who used to be opponents, they were brought to Jalsa somehow, not only they stopped animosity but they entered into Bai'at. That is how opponents are affected.

There was a Jalsa in Germany 2 months ago, a couple had come from neigbouring country. They did not have good impression of Islam. They knew some Ahmadis; they thought these Ahmadis speak high about their understanding of Islam -- a peaceful religion, lets see the truth bout it. Their intention was to raise objection and not to get any good effects. But by seeing the environment of Jalsa, and latter they met Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be Helper), they were changed and they enter into Bai'at.

There are some who say that when the Bai'at is being taken, the scene of it, they even unintentionally join the Bai'at. If majority of us show not good model then the momemts of Bai'at or any other virtue cannot create the impression; cannot attract hearts. Thus every participant of Jalsa does a silent Tabligh / conveying Message.
Last Friday, it was mentioned that the acts of volunteer-workers, are silent Tabligh. In fact, every participant of Jalsa is the Muballigh / Conveyer who affects others. It is the obligation of all participants -- men, women, children, elders -- that they should make themselves as attractive models of morals……These models should not be temporary but we should try to bring permanent positive changes in our conditions which a true Muslim should have.

Thus each of us should realize their importance and responsibilities so that we get true blessing from Jalsa.
With regard to hgh morals, a Muslim is directed to send message of peace. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said:

“taqraus salama alaa man arafta wa man lam tariff” [Bukhari] ‘say Salam (greeting of peace) to everyone whether you know him or not.’

This is such a directive and prescription that if it is practiced by understanding its sense, discords of the world can be finished. When people are saying prayerful words of greetings of peace to each other then emotions of rancor, malice, hatred and arrogance cannot stay in hearts. The condition is that this prayer of peace should come for heart. If these evils are gone, then no fight in the society can stay. Thus message of Peace [Salam, As-salaomo Alaikum, As-salamo Aalikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatohu i.e. May peace be on you and mercy of Allah and His blessings] should be widened very much and Islam has given it the spread when it said that, this message is not only for own people and acquaintances, but convey this message to everyone.

The participants of Jalsa, should be mindful to spread so much Peace on each other that all environment should become Peace. And may we get blessings and peace of Allah the Exalted.

Some reminders related to management: Men with children of age 8 /9 should encourage them to sit in Jalsa so that they learn the honour of Jalsa. They are not so young that men should take them outside area to calm them. In Islam, that is why, children of age 7 should be told about Salaat / Prayer because child becomes aware in this age…..They should be told to learn from now, about the purpose, for which they have come. If children are not trained now, when they shall grow up, they shall have no honour about Jalsa-Gah, [sitting area of Jalsa]…..Some father go out with excuse of children, children start playing, which leads to wrong impression of Jalsa……Similarly some women sit outside the Jalsa area [ladies section] and chat…..The speeches of Jalsa should be listen because speech of every speaker helps in increase in knowledge and spirituality. No Ahmadiyya Muslim speaker speaks outside the realm of Quran, Hadith and words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)….It is, today, the need of the hour….Thus please understand this matter and increase the attendance of Jalsa not only by joining but by listening the Jalsa by sitting inside area, and get benefit of the Jalsa. Do not be selective about speakers in listening to. Every speaker comes with preparation and they should be heard. You have come to Jalsa, so attend the full proceedings.

There is separate Marquee for mothers with little children but sounds of mothers’ chat is louder than babies’. Attention is needed by management and selves. If ladies remain silent, then even in babies’ voices, one can hear speeches and draw benefits.

Again reminder for Voluteer-worker: They should be fully attentive to their duties, do not take anything or any work trivial. Security people should practice cheer full morals and sharp eye; do not consider anything little……Other workers should remain alert all round…….Similarly all participants should be fully aware of environment, if notice something, report to management…….At places of crowd, coming and going out, there is need of patience and order and sense of security consciousness…...Participants should follow instructions of duty-workers, regardless the guide is child or grownup, give them importance for their duty……Printed program has instructions; please read them and practice them…...The Jalsa card should be used by the owner only and do not loose it, and use it for the permitted area only.

Above all, pray that May Allah bless the Jalsa with every respect. Daily sadqah [charity] should be offered according to capacity. May Allah the Exalted bless the Jalsa comprehensively and May we collect all blessings. [Aameen]

Reference: Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help)’s Friday-Sermon (29 August 2014), U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv

International Bait Ceremony and concluding address and prayers by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.). Sunday 31 August 2014, 12 GMT program mta.tv
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